Professorship for Educational Psychology
Organisational unit: Professoship
Organisation profile
At the Department of Educational Psychology we are interested in the preconditions, processes and results of education on the basis of psychological concepts, theories and research approaches. Our research aims at describing, explaining and predicting pedagogically significant factors as well as factors changed by pedagogical-psychological measures on an empirical-scientific basis. In doing so, we focus on the context of school education and investigate the question of how (prospective) teachers, but also principals, students, and parents perceive and cope with current demands of school practice, for example in the areas of inclusion and digitalization.
Knabbe, Friederike
- Professorship for Educational Psychology - Research associate
Person: Academic staff
Kuhl, Poldi
Prof. Dr.
- Professorship for Educational Psychology - Professor
- Center for empirical Research on Language and Education (ERLE)
Person: Academic staff