Professorship for Sustainable Landscapes
Organisational unit: Professoship
Organisation profile
The working group "Sustainable Landscapes" was established in November 2010 by Prof. Joern Fischer and is affiliated to the School of Sustainabilty at Leuphana University.
We are an interdisciplinary team working on human-environment relationships. Much of our work focuses on the landscape scale. We are particularly interested in how people use landscapes, and how land use, in turn, affects biodiversity and ecosystem services. We see people and nature as interdependent.
In addition to our work at the landscape scale, we are interested in the conceptual development of sustainability science at a global scale. Here, too, we are influenced by an ecosystems approach, but we also draw on the insights from the social sciences as appropriate.
Our goal is to contribute to sustainable development through solution-oriented research.
FOR5501: A social-ecological systems approach to inform ecosystem restoration in rural Africa
01.05.23 → 30.04.27
Project: Research
FOR5501: A social-ecological systems approach to inform ecosystem restoration in rural Africa . Subproject SP2: Landscape context - landscape-scale restoration dynamics in western Rwanda
Fischer, J., Kümmerle, T. & Sun, P.
01.05.23 → 30.04.27
Project: Research
SESyP: Identifying social-ecological System Properties benefiting Biodiversity and Food Security
Fischer, J., Hanspach, J., Schultner, J., Dorresteijn, I., Collier, N., Dugo, G. S., Rodrigues, P., Jiren, T. S. & Manlosa, A. O.
01.06.14 → 31.05.19
Project: Research
Internationale wissenschaftliche Veranstaltung: „Zwölfte internationale Konferenz über das Monitoring und das Management von Besuchern in Erholungsund Schutzgebieten“
21.06.24 → 31.01.25
Project: Scientific event
Leverage Points for Sustainability Transformation: Institutions, People and Knowledge
Vilsmaier, U., Lang, D. J., Newig, J., Fischer, J., Schomerus, T., von Wehrden, H., Sieveking, A., Klaniecki, K. T., Dorninger, C., Clarke, E. A., Horcea-Milcu, A. I., Lam, D., Patru-Duse, I. A., Jager, N. W., Derwort, P., Patru-Duse, I. A., Apetrei, C., Freeth, R. C., Engbers, M., Peukert, D., Berkau, A. J., Lutz, L. M., Leventon, J. & Abson, D.
Ministry of Science and Culture of the state of Lower Saxony
01.04.15 → 31.03.21
Project: Research