Professorship for Sustainable Chemistry and Material Resources

Organisational unit: Professoship

Organisation profile

We focus on sustainability in the context of the life cycle of chemical substances, covering also issues of raw materials, their synthesis, their application as well as their fate after use. We teach and do research in the field of sustainable chemistry and pharmacy. In particular, we are interested in finding out how chemistry and pharmacy may contribute to sustainability in a sustainable manner.

Apart from chemical substances and products as such, the associated material flows are of high importance to us, especially when it comes to so-called strategic resources (phosphates, rare earth elements).

We focus on:

  •  developing a better understanding of sustainable chemistry and sustainable pharmacy
  •  the sustainable design of chemical and pharmaceutical products (molecules, materials)
  •  developing concepts like benign by design and the dissipation of materials
  •  the experimental and practical implementation of such concepts
  •  protecting water resources from contamination by pharmaceuticals and chemicals

Our research and teaching is based on intra- and transdisciplinary studies within the Faculty of Sustainability as well as on national and international co-operations. As Research & Education Hub we are an important part of the International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Centre (ISC3). Based on international co-operations with states of the Global South, we are elaborating and offering studies on sustainable chemistry (Education). In the field of Research we are identifying and evaluating the latest trends of research with regard to sustainable chemistry.

Main research areas

We are interested in environmental affairs and all questions concerning the sustainability within the context of the life cycle of chemicals, starting with the raw material itself and going on to the synthesis and the use to end up with the environmental fate of chemical substances and products after their usage. Beyond the chemical substances and products themselves, we are also interested in the associated material flows, especially when it comes to the so-called strategic resources (e. g. phosphate, rare earth metals).

We investigate the fate (e. g. identification of relevant sources) in the environment as well as the spread and the behavior of chemicals (e. g. spread, biological and photochemical degradation) in the aquatic environment in the sense of a sustainable water management. This is why we want to record their effects (e. g. genotoxicity, mutagenity, and bacteria toxicity). At present we are focusing on

  • pesticides,
  • pharmaceuticals,
  • textile auxiliary agents and
  • nanoparticles.

In this respect we also focus on problems which may result from an incomplete degradation of the mentioned substances (non-degradable transformation products) in the water and wastewater treatment as well as in the aquatic environment.

One main issue is then to come to a conclusion how to reduce the environmental impact of chemicals, pharmaceuticals and products right at the beginning of their life cycle. Therefore a comprehensive understanding of the functionality including the environmental properties of chemical substances and products is important. Our main focus is the concept of Benign by Design which is the development of a specific design of new chemicals and pharmaceuticals prior to their first synthesis in order to achieve a sustainable functionality.

For all investigations of the behavior and effects of chemical substances in the aquatic environment as well as for the Benign by Design concept, our work in the following research fields is based on experiments, but also on computer models (chemical informatics and hydrologic modeling):

  • trace analysis
  • modelling of material properties and behaviour toxicology and
  • ecotoxicology degradation tests


Examination of (bio)-degradability of chemicals and pharmaceuticals  
according to OECD/DIN/ISO and others:
Closed Bottle-Test (OECD 301 D)
•    Manometric Respirometry (OECD 301 F)
•    Zahn-Wellens-Test (OECD 302 B)
•    Waste water treatment plant simulation (OECD 303 A)
•    Water Sediment Test
•    Photochemical degradation
•    Photocatalytic degradation
•    Electro coalugation
•    and other
Acute and chronic toxicity in bacteria:
•    Luminescent bacteria test with Vibrio fischeri (30 minutes and 20h)
•    Growth-inhibition test with Pseudomonas putida (16h) and Vibrio fischeri (20h)
•    Growth-inhibition test with Enteroccus faecalis      

•    Ames-Test with Salmonella typhimurium TA 98/TA 100
•    Umu-Test with Salmonella typhimurium TA 1535/ psK 1002
•    Mikronucleus-Test with CHO-Cells by FACS-Analysis
•    Green Screen-Assay with TK6-cells

Chemical informatics
Structure property relationships
•    Calculation of physicochemical properties of molecules
•    Calculation of quantum chemical parameters of molecules
•    Calculation of toxicity and mutagenicity
•    Calculation of the biological degradation
•    Calculation of metabolites (mammalia bacteria)
•    Targeted design of chemicals and pharmaceuticals
•    Support in purchasing decisions
•    Product optimization
•    REACH
Water flux based reactive mass transport modelling and assessment
•    Spatio-temporal analysis of discharge and water quality (R-Statistics, SigmaPlot, ArcGIS)
•    Assessment of water quality by combined water quality and quantity indices (WQI, WQQI, WAI)
•    Water quality modelling in lakes and reservoirs in 1D, 2D and 3D (LAC, MOHID Water, Ce-qual)
•    Catchment modelling of hydrology, erosion and sedimenttransport, phosphorus discharge, pesticides and transformation product discharge (ZIN-Sed, MOHID Land, reservoir models)
•    River channel modelling of water, sediment, phosphorus, pesticide and transformation product discharge (ZIN-Sed, MOHID Stream)
•    Scenario modelling and assessment
•    System analysis and management assessment
•    Integrated water ressources management
•    Liquid chromatography coupled to ion trap mass spectrometry
•    HPLC with UV and fluorescence detection
•    Gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry
•    Ion chromatography

  1. 2014
  2. Published

    Germany – Europe –World 2042: A Transformative Longitudinal Study

    Bergmann, M., Burandt, S., Heinrichs, H., Kümmerer, K. & Lang, D. J., 05.2014, In: GAIA. 23, 2, p. 132-134 3 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  3. Published
  4. Published

    Physicochemical properties and biodegradability of organically functionalized colloidal silica particles in aqueous environment

    Schneider, M., Meder, F., Haiß, A., Treccani, L., Rezwan, K. & Kümmerer, K., 03.2014, In: Chemosphere. 99, p. 96-101 6 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  5. Published

    Identification of phototransformation products of thalidomide and mixture toxicity assessment: An experimental and quantitative structural activity relationships (QSAR) approach

    Mahmoud, W. M. M., Toolaram, A. P., Menz, J., Leder, C., Schneider, M. & Kümmerer, K., 01.02.2014, In: Water Research. 49, 1, p. 11-22 12 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  6. Published

    Estimation of phosphorus export from a Mediterranean agricultural catchment with scarce data

    Gassmann, M., Brito, D. & Olsson, O., 02.01.2014, In: Hydrological Sciences Journal. 59, 1, p. 221–233 13 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  7. Published

    Mathematical Chemistry and Chemoinformatics: Structure Generation, Elucidation and Quantitative Structure-Property Relationships

    Kerber, A., Laue, R., Meringer, M., Rücker, C. & Schymanski, E., 01.01.2014, 1 ed. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter GmbH. 521 p.

    Research output: Books and anthologiesBook

  8. Published

    Metabolites and Transformation Products of Pharmaceuticals in the Aquatic Environment as Contaminants of Emerging Concern

    Michael, I., Vasquez Hadjilyra, M. I., Hapeshi, E., Haddad, T., Baginska, E., Kümmerer, K. & Fatta-Kassinos, D., 01.01.2014, Transformation Products of Emerging Contaminants in the Environment: Analysis, Processes, Occurrence, Effects and Risks. Lambropoulou, D. A. & Nollet, L. M. (eds.). Chichester: Wiley-VCH Verlag, p. 413-458 46 p.

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksChapterpeer-review

  9. Published

    Uncertainty in the river export modelling of pesticides and transformation products

    Gassmann, M., Khodorkovsky, M., Friedler, E., Dubowski, Y. & Olsson, O., 01.2014, In: Environmental Modelling & Software. 51, p. 35-44 10 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  10. Published

    Chemische Stoffe in der Umwelt

    Kümmerer, K. & Ruck, W., 2014, Nachhaltigkeitswissenschaften. Heinrichs, H. & Michelsen, G. (eds.). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Spektrum, p. 175-211 27 p.

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksContributions to collected editions/anthologiesEducationpeer-review

  11. Published

    Recalcitrant pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment: A comparative screening study of their occurrence, formation of phototransformation products and their in vitro toxicity

    Bergheim, M., Gminski, R., Spangenberg, B., Dȩbiak, M., Bürkle, A., Mersch-Sundermann, V., Kümmerer, K. & Gieré, R., 2014, In: Environmental Chemistry. 11, 4, p. 431-444 14 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review