Professorship for Business Administration, in particular Entrepreneurship and Organization Studies

Organisational unit: Professoship

Main research areas

The Professorship for Business Administration, in particular Entrepreneurship and Organization Studies processes of organizational, institutional and societal change with a particular focus on the development of sustainable forms of value creation and capture. It addresses these topics in different contexts - from local creative scenes to digital platforms and global value chains - and by looking at different actor groups that try to promote such changes through entrepreneurial agency in and between organizations. While the Professorship draws on a variety of social theories, it has a particular focus on practices of organizing on the one hand and their embeddedness in societal, norms, values and collective understandings on the other. These are examined by drawing on practice and institutional theories as well as by using a mainly qualitative methodological approach.

  1. 2023
  2. Weizenbaum Journal of the Digital Society (Journal)

    Schüßler, E. (Editorial Board)

    2023 → …

    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workPeer review of publicationenResearch

  3. Zweitgutachterin und Mitglied der Promotionskommission

    Schüßler, E. (Reviewer)


    Activity: Other expert activitiesOther

  4. 2022
  5. Digital, open and collaborative: New teaching formats for times of crisis – and beyond?

    Schüßler, E. (Speaker) & Trittin-Ulbrich, H. (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationGuest lecturesEducation

  6. Die digitale Transformation von Arbeit im Kapitalismus: Narrative, Praxis und Gestaltungsoptionen

    Aulenbacher, B. (Speaker), Friedl, W. (Speaker), Langthaler, E. (Speaker), Meyer, U. (Speaker), Maric, S. (Speaker), Pillinger, A. (Speaker), Raible, S. (Speaker) & Schüßler, E. (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  7. Digital Capitalism meets “Leberkaspepi”: Temporal Orientations in Business Models as a Source of Platform Power in Mature Industries

    Maric, S. (Speaker) & Schüßler, E. (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  8. Keynote: Routines Research: More Critical?

    Schüßler, E. (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  9. Repurposing Management for the Public Good: Processes, Obstacles and Unintended Consequences

    Fey, L. (Speaker)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  10. University of Alberta

    Fey, L. (Visiting researcher)


    Activity: Visiting an external institutionVisiting an external academic institutionResearch

  11. Digital Capitalism meets Leberkaspeppi: Temporal Orientations in Business Models as a Source of Platform Power in Mature Industries

    Schüßler, E. (Speaker) & Maric, S. (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  12. Digital capitalism meets “Leberkaspepi”: Temporal orientations in business models as a source of platform power in mature industries

    Schüßler, E. (Speaker) & Maric, S. (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  13. Digital Capitalism meets Leberkaspeppi: Temporal Orientations in Business Models as a Source of Platform Power in Mature Industries

    Schüßler, E. (Speaker) & Maric, S. (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  14. 38th Colloquium of European Group for Organisational Studies - EGOS 2022

    Fey, L. (Speaker)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventExternal workshops, courses, seminarsResearch

  15. 38th Colloquium of European Group for Organisational Studies - EGOS 2022

    Fey, L. (Speaker)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  16. Alberta Institutions Conference

    Fey, L. (Speaker)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  17. Historical Organizational Studies

    Fey, L. (Speaker)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventExternal workshops, courses, seminarsResearch

  18. Purposeful Work Symposium (PWS)

    Fey, L. (Speaker)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventExternal workshops, courses, seminarsResearch

  19. Sustainability in an academic career

    Schüßler, E. (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  20. (Un-)Scripted: Between the Frontstages, Backstages, and Understages of Organizational Innovating

    Schüßler, E. (Speaker) & Igelsböck, J. (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  21. What if Civilization Collapses? Management Scholarship in and for Deep Adaption

    Schüßler, E. (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  22. Make academia meaningful again: A conversation on research, cocreation and impact

    Schüßler, E. (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationGuest lecturesResearch

  23. Organizing in Times of Crisis: Neue Lehrformate für und in Krisenzeiten

    Schüßler, E. (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationGuest lecturesResearch

  24. 38th Colloquium of European Group for Organisational Studies - EGOS 2022

    Schüßler, E. (Organiser), Pollock, N. (Organiser) & Bendl, R. (Organiser)

    2022 → …

    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  25. 38th Colloquium of European Group for Organisational Studies - EGOS 2022

    Schüßler, E. (Moderator)

    2022 → …

    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  26. Academy of Management (External organisation)

    Fey, L. (Chair)


    Activity: MembershipAcademic councils, panels and committeesTransfer

  27. Business and Society (Journal)

    Schüßler, E. (Editor)

    2022 → …

    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workPeer review of publicationenResearch

  28. Mentor for Almina Besic

    Schüßler, E. (Mentor)


    Activity: Other expert activitiesOther

  29. Organization Studies (Journal)

    Schüßler, E. (Editorial Board)

    2022 → …

    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workPeer review of publicationenResearch

  30. Purpuseful Work Symposium

    Fey, L. (Organiser)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventExternal workshops, courses, seminarsResearch

  31. SASE 2022 Annual Conference

    Schüßler, E. (Organiser)

    2022 → …

    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  32. Socio-Economic Review (Journal)

    Schüßler, E. (Editorial Board)

    2022 → …

    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workPeer review of publicationenResearch

  33. Sub-Plenary Partial Organization: Perspectives, Promises and Pitfalls after a Decade of Research

    Schüßler, E. (Plenary speaker)

    2022 → …

    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  34. Sub-Plenary: Partial Organization: Perspectives, Promises and Pitfalls after a Decade of Research

    Schüßler, E. (Plenary speaker)

    2022 → …

    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  35. Weizenbaum Journal of the Digital Society (Journal)

    Schüßler, E. (Editorial Board)

    2022 → …

    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workPeer review of publicationenResearch

  36. 2021
  37. 9th Austrian Early Scholars Workshop in Management

    Schüßler, E. (Speaker)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  38. Fair Digital Work Practices: Avenues towards Crowdworker Voice

    Schüßler, E. (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  39. Organizing in Times of Crisis: Collaborative and Open

    Schüßler, E. (Speaker) & Dobusch, L. (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  40. Global Platform Companies in Local Fields between Disruption and Integration

    Schüßler, E. (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  41. Ansätze zur Regulierung in globalen Lieferketten. Von Codes of Conduct über kollektive Abkommen zu Lieferkettengesetzen

    Schüßler, E. (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  42. Building Collective Institutional Infrastructures for Decent Platform Work: The Development of a Crowdwork Agreement in Germany

    Schüßler, E. (Speaker), Reischauer, G. (Speaker), Thäter, L. (Speaker) & Gegenhuber, T. (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  43. Appetite for digitalization? Platform-based business models in the restaurant and food services industry in Upper Austria

    Schüßler, E. (Speaker) & Maric, S. (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  44. Korreferat zu Stucki/Risi "More flexibility, less sustainability"

    Schüßler, E. (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationGuest lecturesResearch

  45. Panel "Krise und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung der Organisationsforschung"

    Schüßler, E. (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationGuest lecturesResearch

  46. Erfahrungen mit der Drittmitteleinwerbung

    Schüßler, E. (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  47. Coordinating Collective Agency – A Gradual Practice-Based Framework

    Schüßler, E. (Speaker), Jungmann, R. (Speaker) & Stamm, I. (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  48. Can we solve the climate crisis? Contributions from artS, technology and science

    Schüßler, E. (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationGuest lecturesTransfer

  49. Tolerating and inducing temporal asynchronicity in complex innovation journeys

    Schüßler, E. (Speaker), Sydow, J. (Speaker), Otto, B. (Speaker) & Vogelgsang, L. (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  50. Fostering Consumer Trust in the Sharing Economy – Exploring Ridesharing in Europe

    Schüßler, E. (Speaker), Hartl, B. (Speaker), Penz, E. (Speaker) & Hofmann, E. (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  51. 37th EGOS Colloquium - EGOS 2021

    Fey, L. (Speaker)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  52. Grand challenges, organized creativity and inter-organizational relationships

    Schüßler, E. (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  53. 37th EGOS Colloquium - EGOS 2021

    Schüßler, E. (Organiser)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  54. Introduction to the Special Issue "Understanding the Platform Economy"

    Schüßler, E. (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  55. Globale Lieferketten - Von fairen Arbeitsbedingungen bis Klimaschutz

    Schüßler, E. (Speaker), Wölken, T. (Speaker) & Schieder, A. (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationGuest lecturesTransfer

  56. Labour Governance Systems in Garment Global Supply Chains Since Rana Plaza: Effects and Potentialities

    Schüßler, E. (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  57. Rehabilitating the Sharing Economy

    Schüßler, E. (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationtalk or presentation in privat or public eventsResearch

  58. Globale Lieferkettenungleichheit. Was kann ein Lieferkettengesetz bewirken?

    Schüßler, E. (Speaker) & Rosenberger, B. (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  59. Working Towards Decent Work on Online Platforms: Building and Maintaining an Institutional Infrastructure Based on the German Social Partnership Tradition

    Thäter, L. (Speaker), Reischauer, G. (Speaker), Schüßler, E. (Speaker) & Gegenhuber, T. (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  60. Platform Bureaucracy

    Schüßler, E. (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationGuest lecturesResearch

  61. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG (Publisher)

    Heimstädt, M. (Editor), Hertwig, M. (Editor), Ruiner, C. (Editor), Schüßler, E. (Editor) & Wirth, C. (Editor)

    25.04.2021 → …

    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workEditor of seriesResearch

  62. Von einer Krise zur nächsten: Können wir aus Corona für die Klimakrise lernen?

    Schüßler, E. (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationGuest lecturesResearch

  63. Experiences with applying for and managing large DFG projects

    Schüßler, E. (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationtalk or presentation in privat or public eventsResearch

  64. 37th EGOS Colloquium - EGOS 2021

    Schüßler, E. (Organiser), Zilber, T. B. (Organiser) & Wickert, C. (Organiser)

    2021 → …

    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  65. 37th EGOS Colloquium - EGOS 2021

    Schüßler, E. (Organiser), Delmestri, G. (Organiser) & Gutierrez-Huerter O', G. (Organiser)

    2021 → …

    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  66. Business and Society (Journal)

    Schüßler, E. (Editor)

    2021 → …

    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workPeer review of publicationenResearch

  67. Organization Studies (Journal)

    Schüßler, E. (Editorial Board)

    2021 → …

    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workPeer review of publicationenResearch

  68. Reviewing for the Academy of Management Conference (ODC)

    Fey, L. (Reviewer)


    Activity: Other expert activitiesAcademic ConsultantResearch

  69. Reviewing for the Academy of Management Conference (OMT)

    Fey, L. (Reviewer)


    Activity: Other expert activitiesAcademic ConsultantResearch

  70. SASE 2021 – Virtual Conference

    Schüßler, E. (Organiser)

    2021 → …

    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  71. SASE 2021 – Virtual Conference

    Schüßler, E. (Moderator)

    2021 → …

    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  72. SASE 2021 – Virtual Conference

    Schüßler, E. (Moderator)

    2021 → …

    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  73. SASE 2021 – Virtual Conference

    Schüßler, E. (Moderator)

    2021 → …

    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  74. 2020
  75. Collective action on living wages

    Schüßler, E. (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationGuest lecturesEducation

  76. Momentum 2020

    Schüßler, E. (Organiser)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  77. Podiumsdiskussion Klimawoche JKU

    Schüßler, E. (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationtalk or presentation in privat or public eventsResearch

  78. 2020 Virtual Doctoral-Postdoctoral Seminar on Social-Symbolic Work

    Fey, L. (Speaker)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventExternal workshops, courses, seminarsResearch

  79. SASE 2020 Annual Conference

    Schüßler, E. (Organiser)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  80. Author Meets Critics: "The Social Meaning of Extra Money" by S. Naulin and A. Jourdain

    Schüßler, E. (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationGuest lecturesResearch

  81. Corona und Globale Lieferketten

    Schüßler, E. (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationGuest lecturesTransfer

  82. Between standardization and creativity: The role of strategic temporal (dis-)entrainment in drug development processes

    Schüßler, E. (Speaker), Otto, B. (Speaker), Sydow, J. (Speaker) & Vogelgsang, L. (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  83. Idea Greenhouses are made of glass. Tensions in experimental spaces for creative collaboration in front-end pharmaceutical research

    Schüßler, E. (Speaker), Otto, B. (Speaker) & Zangerle, K. (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  84. 36th EGOS Colloquium - EGOS 2020

    Schüßler, E. (Organiser)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  85. 36th EGOS Colloquium - EGOS 2020

    Schüßler, E. (Organiser)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  86. Sustainable Scholarship

    Schüßler, E. (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationGuest lecturesResearch

  87. 15th Organization Studies Summer Workshop 2020

    Schüßler, E. (Organiser)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  88. Organizing Sustainably

    Schüßler, E. (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  89. 8th Austrian Early Scholars Workshop in Management

    Schüßler, E. (Organiser)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  90. Interstitial spaces as garbage cans of early phase innovation processes

    Duffner, R. (Speaker), Schüßler, E. (Speaker) & Semper, D. (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  91. 7th Austrian Early Scholars Workshop in Management

    Schüßler, E. (Speaker)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  92. Organizing nimbus for collaborative creativity: A comparison of physical and virtual songwriting spaces

    Schiemer, B. (Speaker) & Schüßler, E. (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  93. Arbeit und transnationale Solidarität

    Schüßler, E. (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationtalk or presentation in privat or public eventsResearch

  94. 36th EGOS Colloquium - EGOS 2020

    Schüßler, E. (Organiser), Zilber, T. B. (Organiser) & Huber, C. (Organiser)

    2020 → …

    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  95. 36th EGOS Colloquium - EGOS 2020

    Schüßler, E. (Organiser), Schildt, H. (Organiser) & Reischauer, G. (Organiser)

    2020 → …

    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  96. Business and Society (Journal)

    Schüßler, E. (Editor)

    2020 → …

    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workPeer review of publicationenResearch

  97. Organization Studies (Journal)

    Schüßler, E. (Editorial Board)

    2020 → …

    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workPeer review of publicationenResearch

  98. SASE 2020 Annual Conference

    Schüßler, E. (Organiser)

    2020 → …

    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch