Institute of Political Sciences
Organisational unit: Institute
- Professorship for Comparative Political Science
- Professorship for Comparative Politics
- Professorship for Political Science, in particular Political Economy
- Professorship for Political Science, in particular Political Theory
- Professorship for Political Science, in particular Public Policy and Law
- Professorship for Political System of the Federal Republic of Germany and the EU
- Professorship for Political Theory and Policy Analysis
- Professorship for Research of Political Culture
- Professorship of International Relations
- Professorship of Sustainable Governance
Das Institut für Politikwissenschaft bzw. das Zentrum für Demokratieforschung (ZDEMO) beschäftigt sich mit der Analyse demokratischer Strukturen und Prozesse in Politik, Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft und Umwelt. Kernthema der Forschung sind Fragen von Legitimität und Leistungsfähigkeit der Demokratien im 21. Jahrhunert. Das Institut/das Zentrum erforscht diese unter drei wesentlichen Gesichtspunkten: 1. Wertewandel und Human Empowerment; 2. Parteienregierung und institutioneller Wandel sowie 3. Beteiligung und öffentliche Politik. Neben der Forschung engagiert sich das Institut/das Zentrum aktiv in der wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchsförderung sowie der internationalen und regionalen Vernetzung von Einrichtungen und Personen der Demokratieforschung.
Service offers
- PHD-Summerschool
- Politikberatung
- 2020
- Accepted/In press
Innerparteilicher Wettbewerb bei der Kandidatenaufstellung: Ausmaß - Organisation - Selektionskriterien
Reiser, M., 2020, (Accepted/In press) Springer VS.Research output: Books and anthologies › Monographs › Research
- Published
Leadership: Eine Frage der Persönlichkeit? Kanzlerin Angela Merkels Führungshandeln in Krisen
Wehrkamp, H., 2020, Wiesbaden: Springer VS. 319 p.Research output: Books and anthologies › Book
- Published
Political Institutions and Political Elites in Changing Liberal-Democracies
Vercesi, M., 2020, Lüneburg: Leuphana Universität Lüneburg. 282 p.Research output: Books and anthologies › Post-doctoral dissertations
- 2019
- Published
Do Populists Govern Differently? The Management of the Italian M5S-League Coalition in Comparative Perspective
Vercesi, M., 20.12.2019, In: Perspectivas - Journal of Political Science. 21, p. 9-24 16 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review
- Published
La Germania sospesa, by Silvia Bolgherini and Gabriele D'Ottavio, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2019
Vercesi, M., 12.12.2019, In: Contemporary Italian Politics . 11, 4, p. 465-467 3 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Critical reviews › Research
- Published
Islamophobic Right-Wing Populism? Empirical Insights about Citizens' Susceptibility to Islamophobia and Its Impact on Right-Wing Populists' Electoral Success: Eastern Europe in a Comparative Perspective
Öztürk, C. & Pickel, G., 01.12.2019, In: Religion and Society in Central and Eastern Europe. 12, 1, p. 39-62 24 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review
- Published
Presidente del Consiglio, partiti politici e maggioranza parlamentare (1996-2016)
Musella, F. & Vercesi, M., 12.2019, Il presidente del Consiglio dei ministri dallo Stato liberale all’Unione Europea. Tedoldi, L. (ed.). Milano: Biblion edizioni, p. 385-410 26 p. (Storia, politica, società; vol. 54).Research output: Contributions to collected editions/works › Contributions to collected editions/anthologies › Research › peer-review
- Published
Do Minority Cabinets Govern More Flexibly and Inclusively? Evidence from Germany
Ganghof, S., Eppner, S., Stecker, C., Heeß, K. & Schukraft, S., 02.10.2019, In: German Politics. 28, 4, p. 541-561 21 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review
- Published
Potent executives: the electoral strength of prime ministers in Central Eastern Europe
Berz, J. G., 02.10.2019, In: East European Politics. 35, 4, p. 517-537 21 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review
- Published
Prosociality in Business: A Human Empowerment Framework
Brieger, S. A., Terjesen, S. A., Hechavarría, D. M. & Welzel, C., 01.10.2019, In: Journal of Business Ethics. 159, 2, p. 361-380 20 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review