Organisation profile
The institute consists of two departments: philosophy and art history.
Main research areas
Since the winter semester 2016/17, the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences has established a DFG Research Training Group, "Cultures of Critique. Forms, Media, Effects", in which the IPK is significantly involved (speaker: Prof. Dr. Beate Söntgen).
The Institute is also represented at the Leuphana Institute of Advanced Studies for Culture and Society (co-director: Prof. Dr. Susanne Leeb) and is significantly involved in the Center for Critical Studies (speaker: Dr. Ben Trott).
With the Lichtenberg Professorship (Prof. Dr. Lynn Rother), funded by the Volkswagen Foundation, Leuphana University has the first permanent full professorship dedicated entirely to questions of provenance research, looted art, and restitution.
The Kunstraum, which is connected to the Institute of Philosophy and Art History, offers a close practical connection to contemporary art and its actors.
- 2013
Meeting des Management Committee und der Arbeitsgruppen der COST-Aktion IS1203 "In Search of Transcultural memory in Europe" - 2013
Hobuß, S. (Participant)
17.09.2013Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic event › Conferences › Research
Memory Acts: Memory without Representation.: Theoretical and Methodological Suggestions
Hobuß, S. (Speaker)
16.09.2013 → 17.09.2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures › Research
Texte zur Kunst (Journal)
Leeb, S. (Editor)
09.2013Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editor of journals › Research
Die dunkle Rückseite der Dinge: Zum Versuch einer leiblichen Wahrnehmung der Natur am Beispiel von Paul Cézanne und Carl Schuch
Drechsler, K. (Oral presentation)
08.2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures › Research
Das Feld der zeitgenössischen visuellen Kunst: Strukturwandel und Reproduktion
Wuggenig, U. (Speaker)
28.06.2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures › Research
The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms and its Capability for Intercultural Thinking
Jürgens, A. (Speaker)
28.05.2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures › Research
Performance Saga: An Account
Grögel, K. (Oral presentation)
24.05.2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures › Research
European Cooperation in Science and Technology Association (External organisation)
Hobuß, S. (Member)
15.05.2013Activity: Membership › Academic networks or partnerships › Research
IPLA 2013, Center for Academic Excellence
Jürgens, A. (Participant)
13.05.2013 → 17.05.2013Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic event › External workshops, courses, seminars › Research
University College London (External organisation)
Schefczyk, M. (Member)
01.05.2013 → 30.04.2018Activity: Membership › Bodies of public institutions › Research
„‚The Revenge of the Giant Face’ - On the Cinematic Means of Historical Revenge in Inlgourious Basterds”.
Woisnitza, M. (Speaker)
05.2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures › Education
Präsenz. Zum Wert einer Studienreflexion in Zeiten beschleunigten Studierens
Jürgens, A. (Speaker)
23.04.2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures › Research
Table Talks Künstlerische Forschung des Labors Theaterforschung - UDK 2013
Wuggenig, U. (Participant)
19.04.2013Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic event › Conferences › Transfer
L'araldo del Nuovo Dio.: La nuova mitizzazione di Hölderlin nel circolo di George e le sue conseguenze heideggeriane.
Jamme, C. (Lecturer)
15.04.2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures › Research
„‚Die Leiter aber ist das Mitleid’ - The Theatrical Media Logic of Lessing’s Concept of Mitleid”
Woisnitza, M. (Speaker)
02.04.2013 → 07.04.2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Research
Universität Hamburg (External organisation)
Schefczyk, M. (Member)
01.04.2013 → 15.03.2015Activity: Membership › Bodies of public institutions › Research
„‚Zur Sache Jetzt!’ Theatrical Techniques of Political Mobilisation in Heinrich von Kleist’s Der Zerbrochene Krug (1806)”.
Woisnitza, M. (Speaker)
29.03.2013 → 30.03.2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Research
Die Transformation des Kunstfeldes
Wuggenig, U. (Speaker)
07.03.2013Activity: Talk or presentation › talk or presentation in privat or public events › Research
Aufstieg und Niedergang der öffentlichen Sphäre. Die Theorie von Jürgen Habermas und ihre Kritik
Wuggenig, U. (Speaker)
04.03.2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures › Research
Wahrheit für die Phantasie: Der junge Hegel und Herder
Jamme, C. (Speaker)
02.03.2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures › Education