Organisation profile
The institute consists of two departments: philosophy and art history.
Main research areas
Since the winter semester 2016/17, the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences has established a DFG Research Training Group, "Cultures of Critique. Forms, Media, Effects", in which the IPK is significantly involved (speaker: Prof. Dr. Beate Söntgen).
The Institute is also represented at the Leuphana Institute of Advanced Studies for Culture and Society (co-director: Prof. Dr. Susanne Leeb) and is significantly involved in the Center for Critical Studies (speaker: Dr. Ben Trott).
With the Lichtenberg Professorship (Prof. Dr. Lynn Rother), funded by the Volkswagen Foundation, Leuphana University has the first permanent full professorship dedicated entirely to questions of provenance research, looted art, and restitution.
The Kunstraum, which is connected to the Institute of Philosophy and Art History, offers a close practical connection to contemporary art and its actors.
"Die sentimentalen Geldscheine der Zivilisation": Phototheorie zwischen Fetischismus und Exorzismus
Kuhn, H. (Lecturer)
26.05.2006 → 28.05.2006Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures › Research
Die Symbolgrafik als dritter Weg
Wuggenig, U. (Speaker)
13.11.2003Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures › Research
Die Tradition der Sozialfotografie und die Darstellung der Ökonomie des Elends bei Bourdieu
Wuggenig, U. (Speaker)
25.08.2008Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures › Research
Die Tradition der Sozialfotografie und die Darstellung der Ökonomie des Elends bei Bourdieu
Wuggenig, U. (Lecturer)
25.08.2006Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures › Research
Die Transformation des Kunstfeldes
Wuggenig, U. (Speaker)
07.03.2013Activity: Talk or presentation › talk or presentation in privat or public events › Research
Die Übersetzung von Bildern. Pierre Bourdieu als Beispiel
Wuggenig, U. (Speaker)
30.01.2009Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures › Research
Die Verschiedenheit der Künste: Zu Lessings Laokoon-Schrift
Jamme, C. (Lecturer)
03.02.2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures › Research
Die Zeit des Mythos
Jamme, C. (Lecturer)
01.09.2004Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures › Research
Die zeitgenössische Kunst, die "Künstlerkritik" und der Kapitalismus. Die kritische Soziologie der Kunst im Spiegel der "Soziologie der Kritik"
Wuggenig, U. (Speaker)
03.04.2004Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures › Research
Different stories, same actors? Challenges of rewriting transcultural Art History
Leeb, S. (Speaker)
09.12.2014Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Research