Institute of Sustainable Chemistry
Organisational unit: Institute
Organisation profile
At the Institute of Sustainable Chemistry the research and teaching activities focus on Environmental Chemistry as well as Sustainable Chemistry. Environmental Chemistry focuses on studies regarding the environmental fate and behaviour of already existing chemicals, Sustainable Chemistry develops in a more holistic approach solutions that meet the criteria of sustainability.
In addition, the Institute for Sustainable Chemistry is also home to the didactics of natural sciences with its research and teaching activities in the profession of chemistry, biology and science education with the reference subject of natural sciences.
Main research areas
Key topics of our research field are as follows:
- Sustainable Chemistry and Sustainable Pharmacy
- Inclusive science education
- Efficient use of biogenic resources
TM 1.3 C F&E-Projekt 02 - FeQuan: FeQuan – Sensorsystem zur Früherkennung von Verockerungstendenzen
Ruck, W. (Project manager, academic), Opel, O. (Project staff) & Japsen, A. (Project staff)
Investitions- und Förderbank Niedersachsen – NBank
19.08.09 → 31.03.16
Project: Transfer (R&D project)
IP TM 1.3 C FuE-Projekt 02 - FeQuan: Internes Projektbudget TM 1.3 C FuE-Projekt 02 - FeQuan
Ruck, W. (Project manager, academic), Opel, O. (Project staff) & Japsen, A. (Project staff)
Investitions- und Förderbank Niedersachsen – NBank
19.08.09 → 31.12.15
Project: Other
Symmetric light - Experimentum Crucis 2010. Rauminstallation zum 200. Jubiläum von Goethes Farbenlehre
Grebe-Ellis, J. (Project manager, academic)
01.08.09 → 16.05.11
Project: Research
Literaturstudie zur Ursachenanalyse der Kontamination durch dioxinähnliche PCB von Weidegrasaufwuchs von Grundfutter in Niedersachsen
Ruck, W. (Project manager, academic)
Lower Saxony State Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety
01.07.09 → 07.07.10
Project: Research
Entwicklung eines Baukastens für modulare Abwasseraufbereitungsanlagen nach dem Verfahren der Brüdenkompression unter Verwendung regenerativer Energiequellen
Ruck, W. (Project manager, academic)
01.05.09 → 29.07.11
Project: Transfer (R&D project)
MarBioShell: Marine bio-production and shellfish research: development of sustainable off-shore shellfish mariculture in Denmark (MarBioShell)
Pleißner, D. (Project manager, academic)
01.04.09 → 30.06.12
Project: Dissertation project
Neue Medien in der Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung - GPS-Bildungsrouten im Biosphärenreservat Flusslandschaft Elbe
Möller, A. (Project manager, academic), Pez, P. (Project manager, academic) & Corleis, F. (Coordination)
German Federal Environmental Foundation
03.03.09 → 17.10.11
Project: Research
NGet: NGet - sustainable building energy technologies
Möller, A. (Project manager, academic)
18.02.09 → 31.12.10
Project: Research
Gewinnung und Nutzung von Lebenszyklusdaten im betrieblichen Kontext
Möller, A. (Project manager, academic)
01.08.08 → 03.03.11
Project: Research
Gewinnung und Nutzung von Lebenszyklusdaten im betrieblichen Kontext
Möller, A. (Project manager, academic)
01.01.07 → 30.06.07
Project: Research