Institute of Ethics and Theological Research
Organisational unit: Institute
Organisation profile
The Institute works from the innovative perspective that religion is medially constituted. This is currently the name, the duty and the state of religion. This means that synergies can be used, because religion as a medium is encountered in various media: word, number, image and sound - for example, when music is brought in.
Research and projects at the Institute for Ethics and Theology (IET) cover a wide range of topics: ethics, religious education, systematic and historical theology as well as the interpretation of the Bible and other 'holy' texts. Current research focuses on the trans-religious conversation between Judaism, Islam and Christianity, as well as the question of a plural European religious ethos in the face of the dwindling interpretive power of secularisation theory (Pippa Norris). The question is: Who calls the shots when it comes to religion? How do we learn to talk about it?
You can find more details on current and completed projects in the research database and on the people pages.
- 2007
- Published
The Holy Spirit, the church, and Christian unity, proceedings of the consultation held at the Monastery of Bose, Italy (14 - 20 October 2002)
Hailer, M., 2007, In: Theologische Literaturzeitung. 132, 1, p. 100-102 3 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Critical reviews › Research
- Published
"Vielleicht ein Bote von Gott": das Johannesevangelium im RU ; didaktische Chancen und Probleme
Roose, H., 2007, Bibel nach Plan?: Biblische Theologie und schulischer Religionsunterricht. Finsterbusch, K. (ed.). Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht GmbH and Co. KG, p. 119-132 14 p.Research output: Contributions to collected editions/works › Article in conference proceedings › Research
- Published
Vom Rollenwechsel des Gläubigers: (Von den zwei ungleichen Schuldnern) ; Lk 7,41-42a
Roose, H., 2007, Kompendium der Gleichnisse Jesu. Zimmermann, R. (ed.). Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus, p. 532-537 6 p.Research output: Contributions to collected editions/works › Contributions to collected editions/anthologies › Research
- Published
Widerstand und christlicher Glaube angesichts des Nationalsozialismus
Ringshausen, G. J., 2007, Münster, Westfalen: LIT Verlag. 511 p.Research output: Books and anthologies › Monographs › Research
- Published
Wie viel Magie verträgt der Glaube ? systematisch-theologische Reflexionen
Hailer, M., 2007, Alles fauler Zauber?: Beiträge zur heutigen Attraktivität von Magie ; Vorträge der Studientagung der Konferenz der Landeskirchlichen Beauftragten für Sekten- und Weltanschauungsfragen in der EKD in Verbindung mit dem Forschungs- und Informationszentrum Neue Religiosität, FIZ. Lademann-Priemer, G. (ed.). Ugarit-Verlag, p. 103-135 33 p. (Forschungen zur Anthropologie und Religionsgeschichte; no. 41).Research output: Contributions to collected editions/works › Article in conference proceedings › Research
- Published
Wisdom or knowledge?, science, theology and cultural dynamics, editors, Hubert Meisinger, Willem B. Drees, and Zbigniew Liana
Hailer, M., 2007, In: Theologische Literaturzeitung. 132, 11, p. 1232-1233 2 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Critical reviews › Research
- Published
Zeit und Ewigkeit
Ringshausen, G. J., 2007, Philosophisch-theologische Anstöße zur Urteilsbildung: Festschrift für Werner Brändle. Baumgart, N. C. & Ringshausen, G. (eds.). Münster [u.a.]: LIT Verlag, p. 209-219 11 p. (Lüneburger theologische Beiträge; vol. 5).Research output: Contributions to collected editions/works › Contributions to collected editions/anthologies › Research
- Published
Zwischen Erziehung, Religion, Moral und Wissenschaft: der biblische Kanon im Religionsunterricht
Roose, H., 2007, Zwischen Erziehung und Religion: religionspädagogische Perspektiven nach Niklas Luhmann ; Ergebnisse eines Fachgesprächs im März 2006 an der Unviersität Dortmund. Büttner, G. (ed.). LIT Verlag, p. 214-231 18 p. (Schriften aus dem Comenius-Institut; no. 18).Research output: Contributions to collected editions/works › Article in conference proceedings › Research
- 2006
- Published
"A letter as by Us": intentional ambiguity in 2 Thessalonians 2.2
Roose, H., 01.09.2006, In: Journal for the Study of the New Testament. 29, 1, p. 107-124 18 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review
- Published
2 Thessalonians as pseudepigraphic 'reading instruction' for 1 Thessalonians: Methodological implications and exemplary illustration of an intertextual concept
Roose, H., 2006, The intertextuality of the Epistles: Explorations of theory and practice. Brodie, T. L., MacDonald, D. R. & Porter, S. E. (eds.). 1. ed. Sheffield Phoenix Press, p. 133-151 19 p.Research output: Contributions to collected editions/works › Article in conference proceedings › Research