School of Public Affairs
Organisational unit: Research School
- 2018
Negotiating Democracy (Promotion) with Authoritarian Regimes:The EU & North Africa
Vera van Hüllen (Speaker)
05.04.2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Research
School of Management and Technology (Organisational unit)
Christian Pfeifer (Deputy member)
01.04.2018 → 08.10.2019Activity: Membership › Leuphana academic councils and committees › Leuphana Academic Committees
Berlin Applied Micro Seminar, Humbold-Universität zu Berlin
Boris Hirsch (Speaker)
04.2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures › Research
ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops 2018
Xavier Romero (Speaker)
04.2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Research
Fakultät W allgemein (Organisational unit)
Christian Pfeifer (Chair)
04.2018 → 04.2022Activity: Membership › Leuphana academic councils and committees › Leuphana Academic Committees
School of Management and Technology (Organisational unit)
Boris Hirsch (Coordinator)
04.2018 → …Activity: Membership › Leuphana academic councils and committees › Leuphana Academic Committees
School of Management and Technology (Organisational unit)
Christian Pfeifer (Chair)
04.2018 → 04.2022Activity: Membership › Leuphana academic councils and committees › Leuphana Academic Committees
Jean Blondel Tuesday Seminars in Political Science
Michelangelo Vercesi (Lecturer)
27.03.2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures › Research
Politische Theorie und Politische Bildung im kritisch-konstruktiven Dialog
Thomas Saretzki (Oral presentation)
21.03.2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures › Research
Demokratie in der Krise? Alternative Autoritarismus? Vergleiche – Gefahren – Perspektiven
Vera van Hüllen (Speaker)
14.03.2018Activity: Talk or presentation › talk or presentation in privat or public events › Transfer