School of Management and Technology
Organisational unit: Research School
- Institute for Auditing & Tax
- Institute for production technology and systems
- Institute of Experimental Industrial Psychology
- Institute of Information Systems
- Institute of Knowledge and Information Management
- Institute of Management, Accounting & Finance
- Institute of Management and Organization
- Institute of Marketing
- Institute of New Venture Management
- Institute of Performance Management
Organisation profile
As part of Leuphana University, the School of Management and Technology is a dynamic and innovative community of students and faculty with high-level expertise in the fields of organization studies, responsible management, entrepreneurship, product development process, digital transformation and data science, and psychology and societal transformation. Our core aspiration is driving innovation in management and technology to shape responsible and sustainable transformations. In our research, we pioneer understandings of and solutions to the core challenges of our time, such as digitalization and sustainable production. In our teaching, we challenge conventional wisdom and inspire entrepreneurial thinking and responsible action. In business and society, we team up with local and international partners to contribute to the regional development of northern Germany. We value the interrelationships between disciplines, which is reflected in our interdisciplinary degree programs and collaboration in research.
The School of Management and Technology is home to the disciplines of Accounting and Finance, Business Psychology, Business Information Systems, Engineering, Management and Marketing. We support the respective identities and profile development of the disciplines, while also promoting interdisciplinary research and teaching in the shape of programs of study and research centers. This interdisciplinary approach is characterized by a commitment to responsibility and helping meet societal challenges.
Main research areas
The School of Management and Technology is the academic and professional home to 1,500 bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral students, more than 50 professors, more than 70 research associates and research assistants, 36 professional staff members.
The main themes of the school are reflected in its study programs: The 3 major and 7 minor programs at the College, 5 master's programs and 4 doctoral programs at the Graduate School provide academic training. The doctoral programs focus on (1.) Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation (EMI), (2.) Information Systems and Data Science, (3.) Engineering and (4.) Management, Finance and Accounting.
In total, we offer 16 programs of study in the disciplines of Business Administration (in particular Accounting and Finance), Business Information Systems, Business Psychology, Engineering and Management.
- Published
Sind mittelständische Betriebe der Jobmotor der deutschen Wirtschaft?
Wagner, J., Koller, L. & Schnabel, C., 02.2008, In: Wirtschaftsdienst. 88, 2, p. 130-135 6 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review
- Published
Die Beschaffung von Kooperation
Martin, A., 2001, Kompetenz und Kreativität: eine Universität in Entwicklung ; Hartwig Donner zum 60. Geburtstag. Heilmann, J. (ed.). Lüneburg: UNIBUCH Verlag, p. 78-92 15 p.Research output: Contributions to collected editions/works › Contributions to collected editions/anthologies › Research
- Published
Einsatzmöglichkeiten und praktische Anwendung von Kreditderivaten in der Sparkassen-Organisation
Lücke, T., 2005, 1. ed. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Verlag. 149 p. (Europäische Hochschulschriften)Research output: Books and anthologies › Monographs › Research
- Published
Digitized planning processes in the revitalization of buildings by a inderdisciplinary project study: empirical work with students from Argentina
Kirschner, U. & Ohler, A., 2007, Predicting the future: Proceedings of the 24th Conference on Education in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe. Kieferle, J. B. & Ehlers, K. (eds.). p. 717-723 7 p.Research output: Contributions to collected editions/works › Article in conference proceedings › Research › peer-review
- Published
Die Behandlung kollektivvertraglicher Normenkollisionen nach Verschmelzung und Spaltung von Unternehmen: der Legitimationsgedanke als Kollisionslösung
Schubert, J. M., 2003, 1. Aufl ed. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG. 337 p.Research output: Books and anthologies › Monographs › Research
- Published
Angst vor dem Unbekannten: Ambiguitätstoleranz im Kontext von Auslandsentsendungen
Albrecht, A.-G., Paulus, F. M. & Deller, J., 2009, Entscheidungen und Veränderungen in Arbeit, Organisation und Wirtschaft: 6. Tagung der Fachgruppe Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Korunka, C. (ed.). Wien: Facultas Verlags- und Buchhandels AG, p. 127 1 p.Research output: Contributions to collected editions/works › Published abstract in conference proceedings › Research
- Published
Basel II und die Bankkreditfinanzierung von kleinen Unternehmen: eine Analyse der Auswirkungen der ersten Säule des neuen Eigenkapitalakkords
Schöning, S., 12.12.2007, Management kleiner und mittlerer Unternehmen: Stand und Perspektiven der KMU-Forschung. Letmathe, P., Eigler, J., Welter, F., Kathan, D. & Heupel, T. (eds.). Wiesbaden: Deutscher Universitäts-Verlag, p. 561-575 15 p.Research output: Contributions to collected editions/works › Contributions to collected editions/anthologies › Research
- Published
Profiler - Neue Wege in der Unfallprävention
Utsch, A., 2006, In: Zeitschrift für Verkehrssicherheit. 52, 3, p. 167 1 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Other (editorial matter etc.) › Research
- Published
- Published
Das Betriebsverfassungs-Reformgesetz vom Juli 2001: Eine Zwischenbilanz aus ökonomischer Sicht
Wagner, J., 2004, In: Volkswirtschaftliche Korrespondenz der Adolf-Weber-Stiftung. 43, 1Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research