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  1. The Journal of biocommunication

    ISSNs: 0094-2499

    Biocommunications Association


  2. The Journal of Black Psychology

    ISSNs: 0095-7984

    Additional searchable ISSN (electronic): 1552-4558

    SAGE Publications Inc.

    Scopus rating (2023): CiteScore 8 SJR 2.765 SNIP 3.464


  3. 2 Publications

    The Journal of Corporate Citizenship

    ISSNs: 1470-5001

    Greenleaf Publishing, United Kingdom


  4. 1 Publication

    The Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance

    ISSNs: 2373-1753

    Graziadio School of Business and Management-Pepperdine University, United States


  5. The Journal of frailty & aging

    ISSNs: 2260-1341

    Additional searchable ISSN (electronic): 2273-4309

    Serdi Publishing Company

    Scopus rating (2023): CiteScore 5.9 SJR 0.89 SNIP 1.024


  6. The Journal of General Education

    ISSNs: 0021-3667

    Additional searchable ISSN (electronic): 1527-2060

    Penn State University Press

    Scopus rating (2021): CiteScore 0.5 SJR 0.111 SNIP 0.259


  7. The journal of hand surgery Asian-Pacific volume

    ISSNs: 2424-8355, 0218-8104, 1793-6535

    Additional searchable ISSN (electronic): 2424-8363

    World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd

    Scopus rating (2023): CiteScore 0.9 SJR 0.271 SNIP 0.61


  8. The Journal of health administration education

    ISSNs: 0735-6722

    Association Of University Programs In Health Administration


  9. 2 Publications

    The Journal of Humanities

    ISSNs: 1225-2360

    Myongji University, Korea, Republic of


  10. The Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society

    ISSNs: 0972-4052

    Additional searchable ISSN (electronic): 1998-4057

    Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications

    Scopus rating (2023): CiteScore 2.2 SJR 0.386 SNIP 0.916

    Indexed in DOAJ


  11. The Journal of Indo-European Studies

    ISSNs: 0092-2323

    Institute for the Study of Man, Inc.

    Scopus rating (2021): CiteScore 1.1 SJR 0.135 SNIP 0.448


  12. The Journal of Legislative Studies

    ISSNs: 1357-2334

    Additional searchable ISSN (electronic): 1743-9337

    Routledge Taylor & Francis Group

    Scopus rating (2023): CiteScore 2.1 SJR 0.479 SNIP 0.89


  13. The Journal of Men's Studies

    ISSNs: 1060-8265

    Additional searchable ISSN (electronic): 1933-0251

    SAGE Publications Inc.

    Scopus rating (2023): CiteScore 3 SJR 0.529 SNIP 1.043


  14. 1 Publication

    The Journal of Modern Art History Department, Belgrade: University Belgrade

    ISSNs: 2217-3951

    University of Belgrade, Serbia


  15. The Journal of Negro Education

    ISSNs: 0022-2984

    Additional searchable ISSN (electronic): 2167-6437

    Howard University

    Scopus rating (2023): CiteScore 1.2 SJR 0.243 SNIP 0.594


  16. 1 Publication

    The Journal of Neuroscience

    ISSNs: 0270-6474

    Additional searchable ISSN (electronic): 1529-2401

    Society for Neuroscience, United States

    Scopus rating (2023): CiteScore 9.3 SJR 2.321 SNIP 1.366


  17. The Journal of nursing care

    ISSNs: 0162-7155

    Technomic Publishing


  18. The journal of nursing research : JNR

    ISSNs: 1682-3141

    Taiwan Nurses Association

    Scopus rating (2023): CiteScore 4.2 SJR 0.596 SNIP 0.832


  19. The journal of pastoral care & counseling : JPCC

    ISSNs: 1542-3050, 0022-3409

    SAGE Publications Inc.

    Scopus rating (2023): CiteScore 1.8 SJR 0.428 SNIP 0.764


  20. The Journal of pathology and bacteriology

    ISSNs: 0368-3494

    Oliver and Boyd Ltd.
