The role of social cognitive career theory in post-retirement career planning

Publikation: Beiträge in ZeitschriftenKonferenz-Abstracts in FachzeitschriftenForschungbegutachtet


Post-retirement work has been an area of North American research for more than 20 years. In times of increasing life expectancy and skills shortage, research interest in post-retirement career planning is increasing in Europe, too. The purpose of this study is to examine if Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT, Lent et al., 1994), which is based on Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory (1986), can be adapted to post-retirement career planning. In our study 129 German working individuals (aged 49 to 65 years) took part in an online-survey. The core constructs of the SCCT, i. e. self-efficacy, outcome expectations, interest, goals, and contextual support and barriers in relation to post-retirement career activities were assessed. Multiple regression analyses revealed that both positive and negative outcome expectations were related to the intention to engage in post-retirement career activities. This was also true for interest in career-related activities and expected social support. Occupational self-efficacy on the other hand did not prove to be significantly related to this intention. The results suggest that SCCT provides a useful framework for post-retirement career planning to some extent. This study extends the knowledge on the application areas of SCCT and on post-retirement work. It also provides starting points for interventions. For example, if outcome expectations are influenced through counseling or informative meetings on post-retirement career activities, this could lead to more individuals planning to work in retirement.
Titel in ÜbersetzungDie Rolle der sozial-kognitiven Karrieretheorie bei der Karriereplanung im Ruhestand
ZeitschriftInternational Journal of Psychology
Seiten (von - bis)494
Anzahl der Seiten1
PublikationsstatusErschienen - 2012

Bibliographische Notiz

Special Issue: XXX International Congress of Psychology - Meeting Abstract



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