The Influence Of Product Reuse On Production Planning and Control

Publikation: Beiträge in ZeitschriftenKonferenzaufsätze in FachzeitschriftenForschungbegutachtet


The circular economy concept enables manufacturing companies to react sustainably to changing customer requirements, regulatory requirements and resource scarcity. However, to achieve a high level of economic efficiency alongside ecological targets, logistical performance and its objectives must be addressed. In the linear economic system, which follows the take-make-dispose logic, logistical performance at an operational level is influenced by production planning and control (PPC). To ensure this equally for the circular economic system, it is necessary to analyse how existing PPC processes change comprehensively. This paper focuses on the circular strategy "Reuse" as it significantly contributes to increasing circularity regarding extending a product’s lifespan.
Therefore, this paper deals with the development of a model of the company’s internal supply chain for the circular strategy “Reuse”, considering the interdependencies with PPC. This model follows the generic archetype of the Hanoverian Supply Chain Model and will be used to test how conclusions can be drawn about the PPC and whether the PPC main tasks affected can be identified. Successful implementation of this methodology would contribute as a basis for a circular-oriented PPC framework and validate the method for future research.
ZeitschriftProcedia CIRP
Seiten (von - bis)1543-1548
Anzahl der Seiten6
PublikationsstatusErschienen - 01.01.2024
Veranstaltung57th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems - CIRP CMS 2024: Speeding up manufacturing - Universität Minho, Póvoa de Varzim , Portugal
Dauer: 29.05.202431.05.2024
Konferenznummer: 57

Bibliographische Notiz

Publisher Copyright:
© 2024 The Authors.


  • Ingenieurwissenschaften - Circular Economy, Circular Strategies, Reuse, internal supply chain, Production Planning and Control