Narrating Sustainability through Storytelling

Publikation: Bücher und AnthologienSammelwerke und AnthologienForschung


Stories and narratives are powerful tools for explaining the world around us. This book explores storytelling as a way of engaging audiences with sustainable development issues, and reflects on the opportunities and limitations of storytelling for sustainability as an innovative approach to sustainability communication.

Bringing together voices and perspectives from research and practice, this volume explores the ways in which storytelling can support change toward sustainability. Unlike other anthologies, the book first provides a sound scientific basis by unfolding the storytelling approach and presenting empirical studies on its impact on effects. It clarifies important terms and presents recent findings on the impact of storytelling on sustainability from an extensive 3-year research project on this question. The second part shows how storytelling can be used in different fields of practice to communicate sustainability in more engaging and effective ways. Here, the main focus is on not only case-based accounts of positive change, but also tensions, arising from the application of storytelling for sustainability in journalism, higher education, corporate communication, or science communication.

VerlagRoutledge Taylor & Francis Group
Anzahl der Seiten142
ISBN (Print)9781032352695, 9781032352701
ISBN (elektronisch)9781003326144
PublikationsstatusErschienen - 08.12.2022


NameRoutledge-SCORAI Studies in Sustainable Consumption

Bibliographische Notiz

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 selection and editorial matter, Daniel Fischer, Sonja Fücker, Hanna Selm, and Anna Sundermann. All rights reserved.


  • Nachhaltigkeitswissenschaft - Storytelling, Journalism, Journalismus, Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation, Sustainable Consumption, Sustainability communication, Nachhaltiger Konsum

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