Music Spaces in Conflict: Local Scenes, Live-Music Industry, and the 'Urban Growth Machine' in Hamburg

Publikation: Beiträge in SammelwerkenAbstracts in KonferenzbändenForschungbegutachtet


The paper examines how music venues as spaces of collective representations of local scenes are affected by ongoing transformations in the fields of cultural production, urban development/ -regeneration and the Music Industries.
Regarding the case of Hamburg, the paper analyses how self-concepts and action of local music spaces like clubs and their users handle neoliberal influence of the city as well as of the industry and in the field of music production and consumption itself. These different kinds of tension deliver questions referring to the defense and preservation of cultural/social values and (subcultural) space, changing local identities and alternative strategies between the poles of DIY-ethics and constraints towards professionalization.
TitelArts and Creativity: Working on Identity and Difference : 9th Midterm Conference of the RN Sociology of the Arts, Book of Abstracts
HerausgeberPaula Guerra, Sacha Kagan
Anzahl der Seiten1
VerlagUniversidade Porto
ISBN (elektronisch)978-989-8648-83-9
PublikationsstatusErschienen - 2016
VeranstaltungMidterm Conference: Sociology of the Arts and Creativity - ESA-Arts 2016: Working on Identity and Difference - University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
Dauer: 08.09.201610.09.2016
Konferenznummer: 9