How to support students-learning in mathematical bridging-courses using ITS? Remedial Scenarios in the EU-Project Math-Bridge

Publikation: Beiträge in SammelwerkenAufsätze in KonferenzbändenForschungbegutachtet


Abstract: The goal of the European Math-Bridge project is to combine content for mathematical bridging-courses from several European partners, encode it in a unified format, enrich it with metadata, improve the intelligent tutoring system ActiveMath used by Math- Bridge in order to better support self-guided learning, and evaluate the results in several bridging-courses all over Europe. Math-Bridge will provide high-quality content in different languages enriched by pedagogical metadata (competencies, difficulty level) which is embedded in a knowledge-structure (relations between LOs). It will also implement several pedagogical remedial scenarios for supporting the learner in self-guided learning. These pedagogical remedial scenarios deal with both the automatic generation of books depending on the current competencies of the learner, and the diagnosis of competencies of the learner, with concrete suggestions for further learning. In this paper we present the pedagogical requirements for remedial content collected by the Math-Bridge partners and the pedagogical remedial scenarios that have been developed within Math-Bridge.
TitelProceedings of Student Mobility and ICT : World in Transition
HerausgeberJ. Brouwer, B. Giesbers, C. Groot, R. Jacobi, J. Schep
Anzahl der Seiten11
VerlagFEBA ERD Press
ISBN (Print)978-90-813727-4-9
PublikationsstatusErschienen - 2010
Veranstaltung3rd Conference Student Mobility and Information and Communications Technology (ICT) - 2010: World in Transition - The Hague, Niederlande
Dauer: 01.11.201002.11.2010
Konferenznummer: 3