Fast or sustainable fashion? The intersection of values and gender as triggers of consumer motivation

Publikation: Beiträge in SammelwerkenAbstracts in KonferenzbändenForschung


In this study, we aim to establish the relevance of gender sensitive
research in the field of sustainable consumption in general and sustainable clothing consumption in particular. We point out a new research perspective by examining the correlation of gender and values in the context of sustainable consumption. The main focus is on the values and motives held by women and men which influence their sustainable consumption behavior. To identify these value orientations, their characteristics and influence on sustainable consumption, focus group discussions will be conducted centered on the question whether differences between women’s and men’s value orientations can be detected. Organizations and corporations in the sustainable clothing sector can find essential information in the results that support them in adapting their marketing activities to a segregated target group.
TitelEMAC 2017 Conference Proceedings : 46th EMAC Annual Conference
Anzahl der Seiten1
VerlagEuropean Marketing Academy
ISBN (elektronisch)978-90-367-9912-6
PublikationsstatusErschienen - 2017
Veranstaltung46th Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy - EMAC 2017 - University of Groningen, Groningen, Niederlande
Dauer: 23.05.201726.05.2017
Konferenznummer: 46

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