Professur für Englische Sprachwissenschaft
Organisation: Professur
The focus of research at the Chair of English Linguistics is on language use and interaction in context. Broadly put, we are interested
- in how conventions of language use and interaction vary across varieties and cultures (Intercultural Pragmatics, Variational Pragmatics, Contrastive Genre Analysis)
- in how pragmatic variation across varieties can be studied methodologically and theoretically
- in the conventions of use Irish English, and particularly in how these conventions vary vis-à-vis other varieties (the Pragmatics of Irish English)
- in how foreign and second language learners use language in context and how they develop such competencies over time (L2 Pragmatics). In this area, particular emphasis is placed on pragmatic development during stay abroad and on language use and interaction in the online telecollaborative context and
- in how conventions of language use can be taught using corpora, text-books and telecollaboration.
In addition, major international editing projects, including The Routledge Handbook of Pragmatics (Routledge) and Pragmatics of Discourse: Handbook of Pragmatics III (De Gruyter, Mouton) have also been carried out.
- Erschienen
“I'll get it”: Payment offers, payment offer sequences and gender on First Dates
Barron, A., 01.2025, in: Journal of Pragmatics. 235, S. 4-25 22 S.Publikation: Beiträge in Zeitschriften › Zeitschriftenaufsätze › Forschung › begutachtet
- Eingereicht
Directives in EIL peer feedback
Flöck, I., Çiçek, O. & Barron, A., 2024, (Eingereicht) New Directions in Instructional Pragmatics Research. Nightingale, R. & Guzmán-Alcón, I. (Hrsg.). Peter Lang VerlagPublikation: Beiträge in Sammelwerken › Aufsätze in Sammelwerken › Forschung › begutachtet
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Explicit Apologies in Fictional Telecinematic Discourse
Rose, J.-D. & Flöck, I., 07.2024, Analyzing Pragmatic Variation in English: New Developments in Contrastive, Cross-Cultural and Interlanguage Pragmatics. Geluykens, R. & Flöck, I. (Hrsg.). München: LINCOM Europa, S. 223-246 24 S. 9. (LINCOM studies in pragmatic; Band 34).Publikation: Beiträge in Sammelwerken › Aufsätze in Sammelwerken › Forschung › begutachtet
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Apologies and Corpus Pragmatics: Comparing a Form-to-Function and Function-to-Form Approach in SPICE-Ireland
Jansen, A. & Flöck, I., 07.2024, Analyzing Pragmatic Variation in English: New Developments in Contrastive, Cross-Cultural and Interlanguage Pragmatics. Geluykens, R. & Flöck, I. (Hrsg.). München: LINCOM Europa, S. 247-281 35 S. 10. (LINCOM studies in pragmatic; Band 34).Publikation: Beiträge in Sammelwerken › Aufsätze in Sammelwerken › Forschung › begutachtet
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Comparing Empirical Methodologies in Pragmatics: A Meta-Analysis of Research on Directive Speech Acts
Flöck, I. & Geluykens, R., 2024, Analyzing Pragmatic Variation in English: New Developments in Contrastive, Cross-Cultural and Interlanguage Pragmatics. Geluykens , R. & Flöck, I. (Hrsg.). München: LINCOM Europa, S. 47-87 41 S. 3. (LINCOM studies in pragmatics ; Band 34).Publikation: Beiträge in Sammelwerken › Aufsätze in Sammelwerken › Forschung › begutachtet
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Analyzing Pragmatic Variation in English: New Developments in Contrastive, Cross-Cultural and Interlanguage Pragmatics
Geluykens, R. (Herausgeber*in) & Flöck, I. (Herausgeber*in), 2024, München: LINCOM Europa. 323 S. (LINCOM studies in pragmatics; Band 34)Publikation: Bücher und Anthologien › Sammelwerke und Anthologien › Forschung
- Angenommen/Im Druck
Variational Pragmatics and World Englishes
Barron, A., 2024, (Angenommen/Im Druck) Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics: 2. Edition. 2nd Edition Aufl. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.Publikation: Beiträge in Sammelwerken › Aufsätze in Sammelwerken › Forschung › begutachtet
- Angenommen/Im Druck
Corpus Linguistics for Sociolinguistics: A guide for research
O'Sullivan, J., Amador-Moreno, C. P. & Barron, A., 2024, (Angenommen/Im Druck) London, GB: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. (Routledge Corpus Linguistics Guides!)Publikation: Bücher und Anthologien › Monografien › Forschung › begutachtet
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Connecting sustainability and culture: Building competencies through virtual exchange
Birdman, J., Çelik, H., Pandarova, I., Barron, A., Benitt, N. & Schmidt, T., 2024, (Eingereicht) North American and European Perspectives on Sustainability in Higher Education. Springer, (World Sustainability Series).Publikation: Beiträge in Sammelwerken › Aufsätze in Sammelwerken › Forschung › begutachtet
- Angenommen/Im Druck
Payment offers, suggestions to share expenses and payment negotiation sequences on initial dates in Germany and the United Kingdom
Barron, A., 04.2025, in: Journal of Pragmatics. 239, S. 56-76 21 S.Publikation: Beiträge in Zeitschriften › Zeitschriftenaufsätze › Forschung › begutachtet