Explicit Apologies in Fictional Telecinematic Discourse

Publikation: Beiträge in SammelwerkenKapitelbegutachtet


This chapter sets out to study the formal realisation of explicit apologies in fictional telecinematic discourse. More specifically, it focusses on the use of Illocutionary Force Indicating Devices (IFIDs), the syntactic realisation and the lexical modification devices used in our corpus of explicit apologies. While fictional data have long been ruled out for linguistic research due to their artificiality, more recent research has regarded them as a promising source for pragmatics research due to their rich contextualisation. In this paper, we will outline the realisation pattern of explicit apologies in the genre of fictional telecinematic discourse in its own right but will also compare our fictional data to the realisation forms of naturally occurring explicit apologies reported in previous research. Our fictional data show unique patterns of convergence to and divergence from naturally occurring apologies, in that they mirror predominant patterns but in less pronounced ways. Our analysis also shows that fictional telecinematic apologies do not show a homogeneous genre pattern as we can also observe divergence patterns from other studies working with data of the same genre.
TitelAnalyzing Pragmatic Variation in English : New Developments in Contrastive, Cross-Cultural and Interlanguage Pragmatics
HerausgeberRonald Geluykens, Ilka Flöck
Anzahl der Seiten24
VerlagLINCOM Europa
ISBN (Print)978-3-96939-212-6, 3-96939-212-8
PublikationsstatusErschienen - 07.2024