Walking for social and ecological transformation

Presse/Medien: Presse / Medien

With its exploration of walking as a transversal method for knowing, sensing and changing the realities of local communities, the first edition of the “International Summer School of Arts and Sciences for Sustainability in Social transformation” (Gabrovo, Bulgaria, August 2010) proved an insightful and challenging process for the wide diversity of participants, coming from ASEM and a few other countries. In its contents and in its form, ASSiST was a learning experience, teaching its organizers and participants not to be afraid of complexity.

Guest author of 'feature' article


TitelWalking for social and ecological transformation
Datum der Veröffentlichung14.12.10
Produzent/AutorAsia Europe Foundation
PersonenSacha Kagan


With its exploration of walking as a transversal method for knowing, sensing and changing the realities of local communities, the first edition of the “International Summer School of Arts and Sciences for Sustainability in Social transformation” (Gabrovo, Bulgaria, August 2010) proved an insightful and challenging process for the wide diversity of participants, coming from ASEM and a few other countries. In its contents and in its form, ASSiST was a learning experience, teaching its organizers and participants not to be afraid of complexity.

Guest author of 'feature' article

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