What's it good for?

Aktivität: Wissenschaftliche und künstlerische VeranstaltungenExternen Workshops, Kursen, SeminarenForschung

Volker Kirchberg - Sprecher*in

What significance do the arts have for Hamburg's urban development today? Master students of “Culture & Organization'' at Leuphana University are exploring this question as part of a research seminar organized by Volker Kirchberg. In the last months, the students have conducted thirty interviews with Hamburg experts* from politics and administration, planning and marketing and cultural institutions. The interviews reveal clearly different points of view on the functions of culture and the arts for Hamburg's urban development, ideas on purposes and generally on their non-artistic instrumentalization.

This event at the Freiraum/MK&G will present the results of their studies in the form of posters, which will encourage discussion by illustrating the diverse positions and approaches to the significance of art and culture for Hamburg's urban development.
What's it good for?


What's it good for? Functions of arts and culture for Hamburg's urban development


Hamburg, Hamburg, Deutschland

Veranstaltung: Ausstellungen