The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society (Fachzeitschrift)

Aktivität: Herausgebertätigkeit und Begutachtung von Publikationen(Mit-) Herausgabe von ZeitschriftenForschung

Volker Kirchberg - Beirat

The Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society

How will technology change the arts world? Who owns what in the information age? How will museums survive in the future? The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society has supplied answers to these kinds of questions for more than twenty-five years, becoming the authoritative resource for arts policymakers and analysts, sociologists, arts and cultural administrators, educators, trustees, artists, lawyers, and citizens concerned with the performing, visual, and media arts, as well as cultural affairs. Articles, commentaries, and reviews of publications address marketing, intellectual property, arts policy, arts law, governance, and cultural production and dissemination, always from a variety of philosophical, disciplinary, and national and international perspectives.

2006 → …