4th International Conference on Higher Education for Sustainable Development - UNESCO Chair Conference 2011

Aktivität: Wissenschaftliche und künstlerische VeranstaltungenKonferenzenForschung

Daniel Fischer - Sprecher*in

    Organisational "Culture of Consumption" in HEIs and Student Consumer Behaviour

    together with Matthias Barth and Horst Rode (Leuphana University of Lüneburg)
    4th International Conference on Higher Education for Sustainable Development - UNESCO Chair Conference 2011


    4th International Conference on Higher Education for Sustainable Development - UNESCO Chair Conference 2011: Higher Education for Sustainable Development: Moving the Agenda Forward


    Lüneburg, Deutschland

    Veranstaltung: Konferenz


    Zuletzt angesehen


    1. 4th International Conference on Higher Education for Sustainable Development - UNESCO Chair Conference 2011
    2. 4th International Conference on Higher Education for Sustainable Development - UNESCO Chair Conference 2011
    3. Partizipative Veränderung schulischer Konsumkultur Ergebnisse einer empirischen Studie aus dem Projekt BINK
    4. The Impact of Television Program on Individual Action for Climate Protection regarding Adolescents in Germany
    5. Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung – anspruchsvoll und auch den Wandel fördernd? Eine kritische Bestandsaufnahme
    6. "Teaching is touching the future: from vision to practice" - International Conference at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum 2011
    7. Reflexive Multi-Criteria Evaluation as a tool to integrate Multiple Values into Decision-Making – a Case Study from Germany
    8. Key Competencies for Sustainable Development: What Competencies Should Be Developed in Education For Sustainable Development?
    9. Bildungsort Stadt: Bildungsgelegenheiten in urbanen Räumen aus der Perspektive einer Bildung für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung
    10. Metodologias de ensino para a formação de administradores sustentáveis” (“Teaching methods for educating sustainability managers”)
    11. Forschendes Lernen und Forschung zur eigenen Lehre: Was heißt es für eine/-n Fachwissenschaftler/-in, zur eigenen Lehre zu forschen?
    12. University Teachers as Agents of Change – the Outcome of a 1-Year Teacher-Training for Higher Education for Sustainable Development
    13. Summer School “Implementation of Sustainability into Research and Teaching of Higher Education Institutions in Eastern Europe” - 2011
    14. Higher Education for Sustainable Development: Developing and Assessing Students' Competencies For Dealing with Complexity and Uncertainty
    15. Studienpraktikum „Nachhaltiger Konsum und Globale Gerechtigkeit – Perspektiven der Nachhaltigkeit durch universitäre Nord-Süd-Kooperation“ 2011
    16. An Evidence-based Approach to the Assessment of Public Participation in Environmental Governance: A conceptual and methodological overview of the ‘EDGE’ project