Victim, Perpetrator, or What Else? Generational and Gender Perspectives on Children, Youth, and Violence

Research output: Books and anthologiesCollected editions and anthologiesResearch


Children, while being the most victimised group in society, rarely become a topic of sociological research, neither as victims nor as perpetrators. The sociological discussion on power and violence happens beyond generation as an important dimension of social structure, and in many respects also beyond gender aspects that are inseparably linked to generational violence. This is a severe omission when the extent of violence in a society needs to be understood, as well as the structures and processes perpetuating violence or opposing its abolition. It is also a serious obstacle when understanding the position of children and exploring the social meaning of childhood.
This volume addresses this blind spot in sociology. It does so by mapping the ways that children and young people are considered victims or perpetrators by their societies and consequently the ways that their societies react. The chapters analyse a variety of phenomena in different countries of the Global North and South. All of these phenomena may be considered to include acts of violence toward children and adolescents, or those committed by them. Thus, violence is addressed as one of the major building blocks of the scope and qualities of children’s agency, limiting the social recognition of their rights as members of their respective societies. With a global reach and cutting-edge research, this book will prove an invaluable text for researchers and leaders in the fields of comparative childhood research and sociology of violence alike.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationBingley
PublisherEmerald Publishing Limited
Number of pages232
ISBN (print)978-1-78973-336-5
ISBN (electronic)978-1-78973-337-2, 978-1-78973-335-8
Publication statusPublished - 08.11.2019
Externally publishedYes

Publication series

NameSociological Studies of Children and Youth
PublisherEmerald Publishing Limited
ISSN (Print)1537-4661


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