
On this page the institutional bibliography and open access repository can be searched. Browse by research area or use the search field and advanced search to discover relevant research outputs. Publications published prior to 2000 may be missing. To find specific authors we recommend the Person Index.

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  1. Published

    An Action Theory Approach to the Psychology of Entrepreneurial Actions and Entrepreneurial Success

    Frese, M., 01.01.2020, The Psychology of Entrepreneurship: New Perspectives. Gielnik, M. M., Cardon, M. S. & Frese, M. (eds.). London: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, p. 182-209 28 p.

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksChapter

  2. Published

    An academia beyond quantity: a reply to Loyola et al. and Halme et al.

    Fischer, J., Hanspach, J. & Ritchie, E. G., 01.11.2012, In: Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 27, 11, p. 587-588 2 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsComments / Debate / ReportsResearch

  3. Published
  4. A multivariate, multilevel analysis of the relationship between cognitive abilities and scholastic achievement

    Freund, P. A., Holling, H. & Preckel, F., 12.2007, In: Journal of Individual Differences. 28, 4, p. 188-197 10 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  5. E-pub ahead of print

    A Multivariate Method for Dynamic System Analysis: Multivariate Detrended Fluctuation Analysis Using Generalized Variance

    Wallot, S., Irmer, J. P., Tschense, M., Kuznetsov, N., Højlund, A. & Dietz, M., 14.09.2023, (E-pub ahead of print) In: Topics in Cognitive Science. 18 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  6. Published

    A Multisite Preregistered Paradigmatic Test of the Ego-Depletion Effect

    Vohs, K. D., Schmeichel, B. J., Lohmann, S., Gronau, Q. F., Finley, A. J., Ainsworth, S. E., Alquist, J. L., Baker, M. D., Brizi, A., Bunyi, A., Butschek, G. J., Campbell, C., Capaldi, J., Cau, C., Chambers, H., Chatzisarantis, N. L. D., Christensen, W. J., Clay, S. L., Curtis, J., De Cristofaro, V., del Rosario, K., Diel, K., Doğruol, Y., Doi, M., Donaldson, T. L., Eder, A. B., Ersoff, M., Eyink, J. R., Falkenstein, A., Fennis, B. M., Findley, M. B., Finkel, E. J., Forgea, V., Friese, M., Fuglestad, P., Garcia-Willingham, N. E., Geraedts, L. F., Gervais, W. M., Giacomantonio, M., Gibson, B., Gieseler, K., Gineikiene, J., Gloger, E. M., Gobes, C. M., Grande, M., Hagger, M. S., Hartsell, B., Hermann, A. D., Hidding, J. J., Hirt, E. R., Hodge, J., Hofmann, W., Howell, J. L., Hutton, R. D., Inzlicht, M., James, L., Johnson, E., Johnson, H. L., Joyce, S. M., Joye, Y., Kaben, J. H., Kammrath, L. K., Kelly, C. N., Kissell, B. L., Koole, S. L., Krishna, A., Lam, C., Lee, K. T., Lee, N., Leighton, D. C., Loschelder, D. D., Maranges, H. M., Masicampo, E. J., Mazara, K., McCarthy, S., McGregor, I., Mead, N. L., Mendes, W. B., Meslot, C., Michalak, N. M., Milyavskaya, M., Miyake, A., Moeini-Jazani, M., Muraven, M., Nakahara, E., Patel, K., Petrocelli, J. V., Pollak, K. M., Price, M. M., Ramsey, H. J., Rath, M., Robertson, J. A., Rockwell, R., Russ, I. F., Salvati, M., Saunders, B., Scherer, A., Schütz, A., Schmitt, K. N., Segerstrom, S. C., Serenka, B., Sharpinskyi, K., Shaw, M., Sherman, J., Song, Y., Sosa, N., Spillane, K., Stapels, J., Stinnett, A. J., Strawser, H. R., Sweeny, K., Theodore, D., Tonnu, K., van Oldenbeuving, Y., vanDellen, M. R., Vergara, R. C., Walker, J. S., Waugh, C. E., Weise, F., Werner, K. M., Wheeler, C., White, R. A., Wichman, A. L., Wiggins, B. J., Wills, J. A., Wilson, J. H., Wagenmakers, E. J. & Albarracín, D., 10.2021, In: Psychological Science. 32, 10, p. 1566-1581 16 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  7. Published

    A multi-scaled process study of dissimilar friction stir welding of Eurofer RAFM steel to PM2000 ODS alloy

    Wang, J., Fu, B., Shen, J., Bergmann, L., Lu, X., dos Santos, J. F. & Klusemann, B., 01.09.2022, In: Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 307, 117679.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  8. A multiple-trait analysis of ecohydrological acclimatisation in a dryland phreatophytic shrub

    Torres-García, M. T., Salinas-Bonillo, M. J., Cleverly, J. R., Gisbert, J., Pacheco-Romero, M. & Cabello, J., 01.08.2021, In: Oecologia. 196, 4, p. 1179-1193 15 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  9. Published

    A Multimethod Latent State-Trait Model for Structurally Different and Interchangeable Methods

    Koch, T., Schultze, M., Holtmann, J., Geiser, C. & Eid, M., 01.03.2017, In: Psychometrika. 82, 1, p. 17-47 31 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  10. Published

    A Multimedia Assessment Scheme to Evaluate Chemical Effects on the Environment and Human Health

    Grimsted, B. A., Schaltegger, S., Stinson, C. H. & Waldron, C. S., 1994, In: Pollution Prevention Review. Summer 1994, p. 259-268 10 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review