Readings in Twenty-First-Century European literatures

Research output: Books and anthologiesBook


  • Michael Gratzke (Editor)
  • Claire Eugenie Whitehead (Editor)
  • Margaret Anne Hutton (Editor)
Readings in Twenty-First-Century European Literatures brings together analyses of post-2000 literary works from twelve European literatures. Sharing a common aim – that of taking the first step in identifying and analysing some of the emergent trends in contemporary European literatures – scholars from across Europe come together in this volume to address a range of issues. Topics include the post-postmodern; the effect of new media on literary production; the relationship between history, fiction and testimony; migrant writing and world literature; representation of ageing and intersexuality; life in hypermodernity; translation, both linguistic and cultural; and the institutional forces at work in the production and reception of twenty-first-century texts. Reading across the twenty chapters affords an opportunity to reconsider what is meant by both ‘European’ and ‘contemporary literature’ and to recontextualize single-discipline perspectives in a comparatist framework
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationOxford
PublisherPeter Lang Verlag
Number of pages444
ISBN (print)3034308086, 9783034308083
ISBN (electronic)978-3-0353-0469-5
Publication statusPublished - 07.2013

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