Experimental and theoretical investigation of the microstructural evolution in aluminium alloys during extrusion

Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksArticle in conference proceedingsResearchpeer-review


The purpose of this work is the investigation of the microstructural evolution in aluminium alloys during extrusion at high temperature and subsequent cooling. In particular, the alloy EN AW-6060 of the 6000 series (Al-Mg-Si) is examined here. Subject to such process conditions, the microstructural development in this high stacking-fault material is controlled mainly by dynamic recovery during extrusion and static recrystallisation during cooling. To characterize this development in more detail, EBSD measurements are carried out on different parts of a partly extruded specimen. From this sample, microstructural images are generated and a statistical analysis is performed. Our initial simulation results of the microstructural development during this process show good qualitative agreement with the trends found experimentally via the EBSD investigation.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationMaterials Characterisation IV : Computational Methods and Experiments
EditorsAndrea Alberto Mammoli, Carlos A. Brebbia
Number of pages8
Place of PublicationSouthampton
PublisherWIT Press
Publication date10.06.2009
ISBN (print)978-1-84564-189-4
ISBN (electronic)9781845643669
Publication statusPublished - 10.06.2009
Externally publishedYes
Event4th International Conference on Computational Methods and Experiments in Materials Characterisation - 2009: Materials characterisation IV : computational methods and experiments - Wessex Institute of Technology , New Forest , United Kingdom
Duration: 17.06.200919.06.2009
Conference number: 4

    Research areas

  • Engineering - aluminium, microstructure, extrusion, EBSD, subgrains, misorientation




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