Understanding Communal Orientation in Men

Project: Research

Project participants

  • Block, Katharina (Coordination)
  • Martiny, Sarah E. (Partner)
  • Meeussen, Loes (Partner)
  • Olsson, Maria (Partner)
  • Schmader, Toni (Partner)
  • Schuster, Carolin (Partner)
  • Van Grootel, Sanne (Partner)
  • Van Laar, Colette (Partner)
  • The Arctic University of Norway


“We’ve begun to raise daughters more like sons, but few have the courage to raise our sons more like our daughters.”
― Gloria Steinem, Iconic Feminist

Social scientists in many countries have been concerned about gender equality for decades. In many developed nations, research and educational programs now seek to remedy women’s underrepresentation in science, technology, and leadership positions. But gender equality is not only a women’s issue. Men’s roles are also constrained by the norms, beliefs, values, and institutions of their societies. Many countries are now starting to recognize that gender inequality in healthcare, early education, and domestic roles (referred to as HEED roles) is an important issue. For example, in 2010, the European Commission stated that “Gender equality needs the active contribution, support and participation of men and policies should also address gender-related inequalities that affect boys/men”.

As social scientists, we believe that men’s relatively lower involvement in care-oriented roles is best understood in the context of cultural norms, values, and beliefs that can vary across nations.

We are recruiting social scientists in a unique cross-national collaboration. Our goal is to sample young men and women from a large number of countries to better understand the social-psychological factors that predict men’s interest in taking on care-oriented roles and occupations.