Training Programme „Sustainable Consumption and Global Justice – Perspectives for Sustainability through Academic North-South Cooperation“

Project: Transfer (professional training)

Project participants


From 27 September-9 October 2009, 15 students of the Universidad Técnica del Norte (Ibarra, Ecuador) will visit Lüneburg, by invitation of the Institute for Environmental and Sustainability Communication (INFU) of the Leuphana University of Lüneburg. During their two-week stay at the Leuphana University of Lüneburg, the students will deal with the topic “Sustainable Consumption and Global Justice” in seminars, workshops and excursions. Furthermore, the students will attend an intensive German course and will have excursions to Hamburg and Berlin. The students will be accommodated in apartments of German students so that an intensive exchange will be facilitated.

The main objective of the visit of the Ecuadorian students is to promote the exchange between students of both universities and to allow the students of both countries to get theoretical and practical insights into sustainable development using the example of sustainable consumption and global justice. Moreover, the activities for implementing the idea of sustainable development at the Universidad Técnica del Norte should be intensified through the exchange, by the Ecuadorian students disseminating in their university the experiences which they will have gained in Lüneburg.

The two-week exchange and training programme is organised in cooperation with Dr. Patricia Aguirre from the Instituto de Postgrado of the Universidad Técnica del Norte and Johanna Nolte, graduate of the BSc study programme “Environmental Sciences” of the Leuphana University of Lüneburg. The project is another activity in the context of the intensive cooperation between the Universidad Técnica del Norte and the Leuphana University of Lüneburg.

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