Governance Mechanisms in the Future Polycentric Energy System - Sub-Project: Institutional Analysis of Polycentric Governance

Project: Research

Project participants


The energy sector is undergoing a worldwide transformation process with the aim of reducing CO2 emissions. However, this development is progressing too slowly compared to the political goals - also in Germany. In order to achieve the climate goals, the energy transition must therefore gain significant momentum. Three areas can accelerate the energy transition in Germany: Decentralization, digitalization and financing. However, suitable framework conditions and a consistent picture of the design of the future energy system are lacking. The interdisciplinary junior research group SteuerBoard Energie explores the complex interrelationships of current transformation processes in the energy system. By involving practice actors from enterprises, politics and civil society, we gain insights that contribute to shaping the energy transition - and thus an important transformation process towards sustainability and climate protection.
AcronymSteuerBoard Energie