Implementation of Sustainability into Research and Teaching of Higher Education Institutions in Eastern Europe

Project: Research

Project participants


The project aims to encourage the implementation of sustainability into research and teaching of East European Universities by means of a summer school on issues of implementation – both in terms of higher education policy frameworks and transformation of higher education institutions. At the same time, the proposed event is an important cornerstone of the upcoming first "Sustainability Summit", organized by the Faculty of Sustainability at Leuphana University of Lüneburg. The focus of the summer school is the question of how universities can meet the challenges associated with the implementation of sustainability in academic teaching and (linked) research. The following questions are central to the discussions:

Universities as teaching, learning and living environments for sustainable development: contributions of educational institutions to promote sustainable societal development;
Implementation of sustainability-oriented teaching: challenges for curricular mainstreaming; content-related, methodological and structural challenges for different target groups.
Sustainability research: inter-and transdisciplinary research approaches and methods;
Sustainability-oriented cooperation between science and practice: challenges (interface management and knowledge integration), efficiency measurement and evaluation;
Approaches to academic institutionalization of sustainability: management systems, indicator sets, benchmark systems, approaches to organizational change.

Invited experts will work in exemplary operating universities, science and education ministries, and intermediary organizations such as higher education associations, academic organizations, etc. The summer school will help to expand perspectives and bring cross-country experiences together. Accordingly, the program aims to capture the different contexts in which the actors involved are working and allow for fruitful discussions in the course of the summer school and provide a platform for intensive exchange.

