Employment of people with disabilities in regional SMEs

Project: Research

Project participants


 The equal participation of people with disabilities in the general labor market is a declared goal of labor market and social policy. This statement is not surprising. On the one hand, it can be based on a more or less tangible broad social consensus; on the other hand, it corresponds to the constitutional prohibition of discrimination and the European and international mandate for action. In addition, it can be read from a variety of actions and initiatives. Currently, the Act on the Introduction of Supported Employment, which came into force at the end of 2008, is intended to provide the necessary impetus. The instrument of supported employment is a relatively young instrument. In contrast to the traditional forms of compensating for disadvantages, the focus is on a company-based approach that links vocational rehabilitation with a changed perspective of the actors involved. Disabled people receive individualized in-company training with the goal of employment subject to social insurance contributions. Compared to extra-company vocational preparation and training with the subsequent transition problems, supported employment leads to better learning success. It also gives employers the opportunity to individually develop integrative job opportunities and the necessary support services.
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