
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus aliquam vehicula felis, viverra bibendum lacus pretium non. Pellentesque in diam feugiat felis sagittis fringilla sit amet imperdiet elit.

  1. 2012
  2. German Historical Institute Moscow, Russia, Fellowship

    Rother, Lynn (Recipient), 2012

    Prize: external Prizes, scholarships, distinctions, appointmentsResearch

  3. International Macquarie Research Excellence Scholarship (iMQRES)

    Benitt, Nora (Recipient), 2012

    Prize: external Prizes, scholarships, distinctions, appointmentsResearch

  4. Knowledge Transfer Award für the Workshop-Format "SCHub LIve Case Study": (with Anica Zeyen)

    Beckmann, Markus (Recipient), 2012

    Prize: Leuphana internal Prize, Scholaships, distinctions, appointmentsResearch

  5. Knowledge Transfer Award für the Workshop-Format "SCHub LIve Case Study": (with Markus Beckmann)

    Zeyen, Anica (Recipient), 2012

    Prize: Leuphana internal Prize, Scholaships, distinctions, appointmentsResearch

  6. Lehrpreis 2012 der Leuphana Universität Lüneburg

    Schmidt, Torben (Recipient), 2012

    Prize: Leuphana internal Prize, Scholaships, distinctions, appointmentsResearch

  7. Lehrpreis der Leuphana Universität Lüneburg 2012

    Moss, Maria (Recipient), 2012

    Prize: Leuphana internal Prize, Scholaships, distinctions, appointmentsEducation

  8. Mediterran-Preis zur Förderung des Nachwuchses in der Archäologie

    Picht-Wiggering, Laura (Recipient), 2012

    Prize: external Prizes, scholarships, distinctions, appointmentsResearch

  9. Promotionsstipendium

    Helpap, Sevda (Recipient), 2012

    Prize: Leuphana internal Prize, Scholaships, distinctions, appointmentsResearch

  10. Promotionsstipendium 2012-2015

    Rose, Michael (Recipient), 2012

    Prize: external Prizes, scholarships, distinctions, appointmentsResearch