
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus aliquam vehicula felis, viverra bibendum lacus pretium non. Pellentesque in diam feugiat felis sagittis fringilla sit amet imperdiet elit.

  1. Fields, Markets and Kitchens

    Ortiz-Przychodzka, S. (Recipient), 06.2017

    Prize: external Prizes, scholarships, distinctions, appointmentsResearch

  2. Best Paper Award

    Seckler, C. (Recipient), 2012

    Prize: external Prizes, scholarships, distinctions, appointmentsResearch

  3. Ernst-Meumann-Preis für herausragende Forschungsarbeiten auf dem Gebiet der Empirischen Pädagogik

    Pietsch, M. (Recipient), 2019

    Prize: external Prizes, scholarships, distinctions, appointmentsResearch

  4. Outstanding Paper Award

    Liu, X. (Recipient), 2018

    Prize: external Prizes, scholarships, distinctions, appointmentsResearch

  5. College Board Teacher Fellowship

    Blume, C. (Recipient), 2007

    Prize: external Prizes, scholarships, distinctions, appointmentsEducation

  6. Lehrinnovationspreis der Universität Kassel

    Fohr, T. (Recipient), 2013

    Prize: external Prizes, scholarships, distinctions, appointmentsEducation

  7. EURAM Doctoral Colloquium 2014: Best Paper Award - 2nd Prize

    Helpap, S. (Recipient), 04.06.2014

    Prize: external Prizes, scholarships, distinctions, appointmentsResearch

  8. Appointment to EU body (Compliance Committee of the Aarhus Convention)

    Schomerus, T. (Recipient), 2021

    Prize: external Prizes, scholarships, distinctions, appointmentsTransfer

  9. Stipendien für Betreiber*innen künstlerischer Projekträume und ?initiativen 2022

    Gerhardt, U. (Recipient), 15.09.2022

    Prize: external Prizes, scholarships, distinctions, appointmentsResearch

  10. Best Early Career Research Paper Award in Sociology of Culture of the European Sociological Association

    Gaupp, L. (Recipient), 2019

    Prize: external Prizes, scholarships, distinctions, appointmentsResearch