Virginie Elsa Boreux

Virginie Elsa Boreux
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- 2014
- Published
Forest Islands in an Agricultural Sea
Klein, A.-M., Boreux, V. E., Bauhus, J., Chappell, M. J., Fischer, J. & Philpott, S. M., 01.01.2014, Global Forest Fragmentation. Kettle, C. J. & Koh, L. P. (eds.). Wallingford: CAB International, p. 79-95 17 p.Research output: Contributions to collected editions/works › Chapter › peer-review
- 2013
- Published
Interactive effects among ecosystem services and management practices on crop production: Pollination in coffee agroforestry systems
Boreux, V., Kushalappa, C. G., Vaast, P. & Ghazoul, J., 21.05.2013, In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA). 110, 21, p. 8387-8392 6 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review
- Published
Wild pollinators enhance fruit set of crops regardless of honey bee abundance
Garibaldi, L. A., Steffan-Dewenter, I., Winfree, R., Aizen, M. A., Bommarco, R., Cunningham, S. A., Kremen, C., Carvalheiro, L. G., Harder, L. D., Afik, O., Bartomeus, I., Benjamin, F., Boreux, V., Cariveau, D., Chacoff, N. P., Dudenhöffer, J. H., Freitas, B. M., Ghazoul, J., Greenleaf, S., Hipólito, J., Holzschuh, A., Howlett, B., Isaacs, R., Javorek, S. K., Kennedy, C. M., Krewenka, K. M., Krishnan, S., Mandelik, Y., Mayfield, M. M., Motzke, I., Munyuli, T., Nault, B. A., Otieno, M., Petersen, J., Pisanty, G., Potts, S. G., Rader, R., Ricketts, T. H., Rundlöf, M., Seymour, C. L., Schüepp, C., Szentgyörgyi, H., Taki, H., Tscharntke, T., Vergara, C. H., Viana, B. F., Wanger, T. C., Westphal, C., Williams, N. & Klein, A. M., 29.03.2013, In: Science. 340, 6127, p. 1608-1611 4 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review
- Published
Pollination of apple variaties across Europe: Dependecy on cross pollination and visitor communities
Boreux, V. E., Garratt, M., Klein, A.-M., Kovacs-Hostyánszki, A., Mayer, A., Somay, L. & Steffan-Dewenter, I., 2013, Building Bridges in Ecology – Linking Systems, Scales and Disciplines: Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Ökologie. Göttingen: Gesellschaft für Ökologie, p. 85 1 p. (Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie; no. 43).Research output: Contributions to collected editions/works › Published abstract in conference proceedings › Research › peer-review