Thomas Cherico Wanger
Thomas Cherico Wanger
- Sustainability Science
- Ecosystems Research
- Biology
Research areas
11 - 12 out of 12Page size: 10
- 2011
- Published
The amphibians and reptiles of the Lore Lindu National Park area, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
Wanger, T. C., Motzke, I., Saleh, S. & Iskandar, D. T., 20.02.2011, In: Salamandra. 47, 1, p. 17-29 13 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review
- 2010
Biodiversity patterns and trophic interactions in human-dominated tropical landscapes in Sulawesi (Indonesia): plants, arthropods and vertebrates
Clough, Y., Abrahamczyk, S., Adams, M.-O., Anshary, A., Ariyanti, N., Betz, L., Buchori, D., Cicuzza, D., Darras, K., Dwi Putra, D., Piala, B., Gradstein, S. R., Kessler, M., Klein, A.-M., Pitopang, R., Sahari, B., Scherber, C., Schulze, C. H., Shahabuddin, Sporn, S., Stenchly, K., Tjitrosoedirdjo, S. S., Wanger, T. C., Weist, M., Wielgoss, A. & Tscharntke, T., 2010, Tropical Rainforests and Agroforests under Global Change : Ecological and Socio-economic Valuations. Tscharntke, T., Leuschner, C., Veldkamp, E., Faust, H., Guhardja, E. & Bidin, A. (eds.). Berlin: Springer, p. 15-71 57 p. (Environmental Science and Engineering (Subseries: Environmental Science)).Research output: Contributions to collected editions/works › Contributions to collected editions/anthologies › Research