Sacha Kagan

Dr. Sacha Kagan
- Cultural Distribution/Cultural Organization - Culture & Sustainability, Cultural Economics, Sociology of the Arts, Sociology of Culture
- Science of art - Art & Sustainability, ecological art
- Sociology - Sociology of Culture, Sociology of the Arts, urban sociology
- Philosophy - complexity
- Cultural studies - culture and sustainability, queer studies, queer ecologies
- Sustainability Science - cultural dimension of sustainability, artful sustainability
- Sustainability sciences, Communication - cultures of sustainability
- Transdisciplinary studies - arts-based research
- Culture and Space - Urban Studies
Research areas
Arts for the City. Imagining Obvodny: From mental maps to the image of the future
Kagan, S. (Speaker)
16.10.2015 → 19.10.2015Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic event › External workshops, courses, seminars › Research
"Arts, Culture and the Public Sphere: Expressive and Instrumental Values In Economic and Sociological Perspectives." Joint conference of the Arts Research Network and Culture RN of the European Sociological Association (ESA) 2008
Kagan, S. (presenter)
11.2008Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic event › Conferences › Research
Artistic Strategies for Building Urban Space
Kagan, S. (Speaker)
29.01.2016 → 30.01.2016Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic event › External workshops, courses, seminars › Research
Art in urban Spaces of Possibility for Sustainability Transformation
Kagan, S. (Keynote Speaker)
27.10.2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Research
Artful Sustainability: The imagination of world-making versus the fiction of planning
Kagan, S. (Lecturer)
02.06.2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures › Research
Artful Sustainability Studies: Of aesthetics of complexity and radical open citizenship
Kagan, S. (Lecturer)
29.06.2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures › Research
Art, creative cities and cultures of sustainability: Searching for (aesth)ethics of complexity
Kagan, S. (Lecturer)
06.03.2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures › Education
Art and sustainability in the city: Theoretical introduction and a few examples
Kagan, S. (Lecturer)
24.05.2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures › Education
Art and Sustainability - die Kunst der Nachhaltigkeit
Kagan, S. (Speaker)
22.11.2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures › Education
Art and Sustainability: Aesthetics of Complexity
Kagan, S. (Lecturer)
12.10.2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures › Transfer