Kateryna Gerwin

Kateryna Gerwin
- 2010
University of Gdansk, Polen (External organisation)
Gerwin, K. (Coordinator)
01.09.2010 → …Activity: Membership › Academic networks or partnerships › Education
- 2015
School of Management and Technology (Organisational unit)
Gerwin, K. (Full member)
01.01.2015Activity: Membership › Leuphana academic councils and committees › Leuphana Academic Committees
- 2016
School of Management and Technology (Organisational unit)
Gerwin, K. (Full member)
2016Activity: Membership › Leuphana academic councils and committees › Leuphana Academic Committees
- 2017
School of Management and Technology (Organisational unit)
Gerwin, K. (Full member)
2017Activity: Membership › Leuphana academic councils and committees › Leuphana Academic Committees