Berta Martín-López

Prof. Dr.

  1. Published

    Integrating methods for ecosystem service assessment: Experiences from real world situations

    Dunford, R., Harrison, P., Smith, A., Dick, J., Barton, D. N., Martin-Lopez, B., Kelemen, E., Jacobs, S., Saarikoski, H., Turkelboom, F., Verheyden, W., Hauck, J., Antunes, P., Aszalós, R., Badea, O., Baró, F., Berry, P., Carvalho, L., Conte, G., Czúcz, B., Garcia Blanco, G., Howard, D., Giuca, R., Gomez-Baggethun, E., Grizetti, B., Izakovicova, Z., Kopperoinen, L., Langemeyer, J., Luque, S., Lapola, D. M., Martinez-Pastur, G., Mukhopadhyay, R., Roy, S. B., Niemelä, J., Norton, L., Ochieng, J., Odee, D., Palomo, I., Pinho, P., Priess, J., Rusch, G., Saarela, S. R., Santos, R., van der Wal, J. T., Vadineanu, A., Vári, Á., Woods, H. & Yli-Pelkonen, V., 01.02.2018, In: Ecosystem Services. 29, Part C, p. 499-514 16 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  2. Influence of user characteristics on valuation of ecosystem services in Doñana Natural Protected Area (south-west Spain)

    Martín-López, B., Montes, C. & Benayas, J., 09.2007, In: Environmental Conservation. 34, 3, p. 215-224 10 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  3. Published

    Indigenous and local knowledge in sustainability transformations research: a literature review

    Lam, D., Hinz, E., Lang, D. J., Tengö, M., Wehrden, H. V. & Martín-López, B., 03.2020, In: Ecology and Society. 25, 1, 25 p., 3.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  4. Published

    Indicators for relational values of nature’s contributions to good quality of life: the IPBES approach for Europe and Central Asia

    Schröter, M., Başak, E., Christie, M., Church, A., Keune, H., Osipova, E., Oteros-Rozas, E., Sievers-Glotzbach, S., van Oudenhoven, A. P. E., Balvanera, P., González, D., Jacobs, S., Molnár, Z., Pascual, U. & Martín-López, B., 10.01.2020, In: Ecosystems and People. 16, 1, p. 50-69 20 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsScientific review articlesResearch

  5. Incorporating the social-ecological approach in protected areas in the anthropocene

    Palomo, I., Montes, C., Martín-López, B., González, J. A., García-Llorente, M., Alcorlo, P. & Mora, M. R. G., 01.03.2014, In: BioScience / American Institute of Biological Sciences. 64, 3, p. 181-191 11 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  6. Incorporating ecosystem services into ecosystem-based management to deal with complexity: a participative mental model approach

    Moreno, J., Palomo, I., Escalera, J., Martín-López, B. & Montes, C., 10.2014, In: Landscape Ecology. 29, 8, p. 1407-1421 15 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  7. Improving the identification of mismatches in ecosystem services assessments

    Geijzendorffer, I. R., Martín-López, B. & Roche, P. K., 05.2015, In: Ecological Indicators. 52, p. 320-331 12 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  8. Impacts of land-use intensity on soil organic carbon content, soil structure and water-holding capacity

    Acín-Carrera, M., José Marques, M., Carral, P., Álvarez, A. M., López, C., Martín-López, B. & González, J. A., 12.2013, In: Soil Use and Management. 29, 4, p. 547-556 10 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  9. E-pub ahead of print

    Impact of land transformation, management and governance on subjective wellbeing across social–ecological systems

    Santillán-Carvantes, P., Tauro, A., Balvanera, P., Requena-Mullor, J. M., Castro, A. J., Quintas-Soriano, C. & Martín-López, B., 12.12.2024, (E-pub ahead of print) In: Sustainability Science. 15 p., 119369.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  10. Published

    Identifying past social-ecological thresholds to understand long-term temporal dynamics in Spain

    Santos-Martín, F., García-Mon, B. G., González, J. A., Iniesta-Arandia, I., García-Llorente, M., Montes, C., Ravera, F., López-Santiago, C. A., Carpintero, Ó., Benayas, J. & Martín-López, B., 01.07.2019, In: Ecology and Society. 24, 2, 23 p., 10.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

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