Social-Ecological Systems Institute (SESI)
Organisational unit: Institute
Organisation profile
Vision & Mission
We envision a fair world where the benefits generated within social-ecological systems are shared sustainably with other species, both within and across generations. Solutions to sustainability challenges are developed collaboratively across diverse scientific disciplines, knowledge systems, and social interests. To realise our vision, we recognise the need for transformative change. In pursuit of such change we:
- use place-based social-ecological systems thinking to understand and resolve sustainability challenges such as biodiversity loss and environmental injustice;
- bring together insights and approaches from the natural sciences, social sciences and the humanities in genuinely collaborative endeavours;
- integrate experiences, practices, and understandings from diverse knowledge systems;
- embed tools for transformative change into the social-ecological systems thinking via a leverage points perspective;
- develop and apply methods to bridge multiple scales and governance levels; and
- provide spaces for people sharing our vision to meet and exchange ideas.
Main research areas
We primarily conduct integrative and transdisciplinary research. In particular, the following topics are central to the Institute's research work:
- Biodiversity conservation
- Biocultural diversity
- Cross-scale governance
- Leverage points & transformation
- Ecosystem services
- Relational values
- Environmental justice
PRIME Stipendium: Postdoctoral Researchers International Mobility Experience
Martín-López, B. (Project manager, academic)
01.12.20 → 31.05.22
Project: Other
Project “Soils in the Media: Soil Topics on Youtube”
Lütkemöller, D. (Project manager, academic), Luenststaeden, B. (Project staff), Skubowius, K. M. (Project staff) & Beier, A. (Project staff)
01.03.13 → 01.12.13
Project: Other
Raumkonflikte – Konflikträume: Wie beinflussen neue molekularbiologische Züchtungstechniken Diskurse und Praktiken in ländlichen Räumen in Großbritannien und Deutschland?
Friedrich, B. (Project manager, academic)
01.07.19 → 31.03.20
Project: Research
Regionalisierte sozio-technische und -kulturelle Erfolgsfaktoren für ein nachhaltiges Wasser- und Landmanagment
Katz, C. (Project manager, academic)
01.05.09 → 31.12.09
Project: Research
Ressourcenpolitik und Geschlechtergerechtigkeit in der Globalisierung
Hofmeister, S. (Project manager, academic) & Bauhardt, C. (Partner)
01.04.10 → 31.03.13
Project: Research
RURAGRI-MULTAGRI: Rural development through governance of multifunctional agricultural land use (MULTAGRI). Work package 5: Governance challenges to encourage landscape-scale uptake of appropriate management actions
Newig, J. (Project manager, academic), Fischer, J. (Project manager, academic) & Klein, A.-M. (Project manager, academic)
Federal Ministry of Education and Research
29.08.13 → 31.12.16
Project: Research
Move'n'Sense: Sense of place and mobility in cross-border contexts – essentialist and progressive perspectives
Gottwald, S. (Project manager, academic) & Kołodyńska, I. (Project manager, academic)
05.11.21 → 02.01.25
Project: Research
PoNa: Shaping nature: Policy, Policies and Polity. Rural Development and Biotechnology in Agriculture between Criticism and Vision
Mölders, T. (Project manager, academic), Gottschlich, D. (Project manager, academic), Paszkowska, J. (Coordination), Friedrich, B. (Project staff), Sulmowski, J. A. (Project staff), Burandt, A. (Project staff), Szumelda, A. U. (Project staff) & Roth, S. (Coordination)
Federal Ministry of Education and Research
01.11.09 → 31.10.14
Project: Research
SENet: Social and ecological networks supporting biodiversity and food security
Fischer, J. (Project manager, academic) & Bergsten, A. (Project manager, academic)
15.01.16 → 17.03.18
Project: Research
SoCoFarm: SoCoFarm: Soil Communication by Farmers; Study on Farmer´s Perception of and Communication about Soils
Lütkemöller, D. (Project manager, academic) & Tischbierek, M. (Project manager, academic)
01.12.14 → …
Project: Other