Professorship for Information Systems, in particular Data Science
Organisational unit: Professoship
Organisation profile
The Business Informatics working group, in particular Data Science, headed by Prof Dr Burkhardt Funk, is dedicated to the development and application of data-driven methods for decision support in companies and public institutions.
Main research areas
The research focus lies on the use of data science and machine learning to analyse large amounts of data in order to optimise processes and decisions. A central topic is the development of intelligent systems that support decisions through data-based predictions. Fields of application include healthcare and various operational functions (e.g. marketing, accounting). We have developed approaches for predicting the effectiveness and personalisation of healthcare interventions, methods for extracting knowledge from documents (business documents, scientific papers) and for optimal budget allocation in marketing.
- 2020
- Published
A mobile application for panic disorder and agoraphobia: Insights from a multi-methods feasibility study
Ebenfeld, L., Kleine Stegemann, S., Lehr, D., Ebert, D. D., Funk, B., Riper, H. & Berking, M., 01.03.2020, In: Internet Interventions. 19, 10 p., 100296 .Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review
- Published
A Framework for Applying Natural Language Processing in Digital Health Interventions
Funk, B., Sadeh-Sharvit, S., Fitzsimmons-Craft, E. E., Trockel, M. T., Monterubio, G. E., Goel , N. J., Balantekin, K. N., Eichen, D. M., Flatt, R. E., Firebaugh, M.-L., Jacobi, C., Graham, A. K., Hoogendoorn, M., Wilfley, D. E. & Taylor, C. B., 19.02.2020, In: Journal of Medical Internet Research. 22, 2, 13 p., e13855.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review
- Published
Evaluation of a temporal causal model for predicting the mood of clients in an online therapy
Becker, D., Bremer, V., Funk, B., Hoogendoorn, M., Rocha, A. & Riper, H., 11.02.2020, In: BMJ mental health. 23, 1, p. 27-33 7 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review
- Published
Using Natural Language Processing Techniques to Tackle the Construct Identity Problem in Information Systems Research
Ludwig, S., Funk, B. & Mueller, B., 07.01.2020, Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS 2020: Knowing What We Know: Theory, Meta-analysis, and Review. Bui, T. X. (ed.). Honolulu: University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, p. 5675-5684 10 p. (Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences; vol. 2020-January).Research output: Contributions to collected editions/works › Article in conference proceedings › Research › peer-review
- 2019
- Published
Optimizing eating disorder treatment outcomes for individuals identified via screening: An idea worth researching
Taylor, C. B., Graham, A. K., Fitzsimmons-Craft, E. E., Sadeh-Sharvit, S., Balantekin, K. N., Flatt, R. E., Goel , N. J., Monterubio, G. E., Topooco, N., Karam, A. M., Firebaugh, M.-L., Ruzek, J. I., Funk, B., Oldenburg, B., Wilfley, D. E. & Jacobi, C., 01.11.2019, In: The International journal of eating disorders. 52, 11, p. 1224-1228 5 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review
- Published
Einen gemeinsamen Code finden
van Deest, J. & Gegenhuber, T., 09.2019, In: DUZ Wissenschaft & Management. 9, p. 38-43 6 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research
- Published
Results of disseminating an online screen for eating disorders across the U.S. Reach, respondent characteristics, and unmet treatment need
Fitzsimmons-Craft, E. E., Balantekin, K. N., Graham, A. K., Smolar, L., Park, D., Mysko, C., Funk, B., Taylor, C. B. & Wilfley, D. E., 06.2019, In: The International journal of eating disorders. 52, 6, p. 721-729 9 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review
- Published
Economic Evaluation of an Internet-Based Stress Management Intervention Alongside a Randomized Controlled Trial
Kählke, F., Buntrock, C., Smit, F., Berking, M., Lehr, D., Heber, E., Funk, B., Riper, H. & Ebert, D. D., 15.05.2019, In: JMIR Mental Health. 6, 5, 13 p., e10866.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review
- Published
State-wide university implementation of an online platform for eating disorders screening and intervention.
Fitzsimmons-Craft, E. E., Firebaugh, M.-L., Graham, A. K., Eichen M., D., Monterubio, G., Balantekin, K. N., Karam, A. M., Seal , A., Funk, B., Taylor, C. B. & Wilfley, D., 05.2019, In: Psychological Services. 16, 2, p. 239-249 11 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review
- Published
Heterogeneity Matters: Predicting Self-Esteem in Online Interventions Based on Ecological Momentary Assessment Data
Bremer, V., Funk, B. & Riper, H., 13.01.2019, In: Depression Research and Treatment. 2019, 9 p., 3481624.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review