Professorship of Social Pedagogy, in particular Comparative Child Welfare Service Research
Organisational unit: Professoship
Organisation profile
The chair of comparative child welfare service research includes international comparative perspectives on youth welfare research and comparative studies as well as research projects on different fields of action, such as out-of-home care, day care facilities for children and family education.
Both internationalization and comparative child welfare research focus on important and innovative developments. Crucial transformation processes in child welfare of the last 15 years are based on increasing transationalisation and globalization on the one hand and simultaneously corporatist structures with a high persistence on the other. These developments by means of international comparative perspectives has hardly been examined in social pedagogy in Germany so far.
Gender Reveal Party: süß, kitschig - oder sogar gefährlich?
1 item of Media coverage
Care Leaver in Care Leaver Initiative. Ergebnisse einer Befragung von jungen Menschen, die sich in Care Leaver Initiativen beteiligen
Arns, M., Mangold, K. & Strunk, L.
1 Media contribution