Professorship for Ecology, especially Animal Ecology
Organisational unit: Professoship
Organisation profile
The Animal Ecology group is led by Prof. Dr. Thorsten Aßmann and is affiliated with the Institute of Ecology, Faculty of Sustainability at Leuphana University Lüneburg.
Research focuses on the influence of invertebrates on ecosystem functions (species as ecosystem engineers, herbivory, predation), large-scale distribution patterns of species and species groups (biodiversity) and their characteristics, in the Palaearctic and worldwide (macroecology), Molecular ecology (population genetics, phylogeography, conservation genetics and landscape genetics), conservation biology (conservation genetics, consequences of habitat fragmentation, restoration ecology) Biospeleology (biogeography, adaptive mechanisms), taxonomy and systematics of insects (especially ground beetles).
We teach the basics of ecology and other fields of biology. Lectures and seminars are supplemented by identification exercises and field trips.
Main research areas
The working group Animal Ecology focuses on
- the role of invertebrates in ecosystem functioning
(including habitat engineering, herbivory, predation) - large-scale distribution patterns of biodiversity and species traits in the Palaearctic and worldwide
(macroecology) - molecular ecology (population genetics, phylogeography, conservation genetics and landscape genetics)
- conservation biology (conservation genetics, fragmentation biology, restoration ecology)
- biospeleology (biogeography, adaptation)
- taxonomy and systematics of insects (especially carabids beetles)
(classical and modern approaches: morphology, morphometry, DNA technics)
Projects are performed mainly in Germany, the Middle East (especially Israel), Spain, and China.
- Published
Citizen Science-Based Monitoring of Cavity-Nesting Wild Bees and Wasps – Benefits for Volunteers, Insects, and Ecological Science
Lindermann, L., Grabener, S., Hellwig, N., Stahl, J. & Dieker, P., 04.09.2024, In: Citizen Science: Theory and Practice. 9, 1, 12 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review
- Published
Changes in phenology and abundance of suction-trapped Diptera from a farmland site in the UK over four decades
Grabener, S., Oldeland, J., Shortall, C. & Harrington, R., 01.10.2020, In: Ecological Entomology. 45, 5, p. 1215-1219 5 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review
- Published
Cascades of green: A review of ecosystem-based adaptation in urban areas
Brink, E., Aalders, T., Ádám, D., Feller, R., Henselek, Y., Hoffmann, A., Ibe, K., Matthey-Doret, A., Meyer, M., Negrut, N. L., Rau, A. L., Riewerts, B., von Schuckmann, L., Törnros, S., von Wehrden, H., Abson, D. J. & Wamsler, C., 01.01.2016, In: Global Environmental Change : Human and Policy Dimensions. 36, p. 111-123 13 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review
- Published
Carl H. Lindroth und sein Beitrag zur Carabidologie
Aßmann, T., Drees, C., Vermeulen, H. J. W. & Matern, A., 2007, In: Angewandte Carabidologie. 8, p. 77-83 7 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research
- Published – a dynamic online database of ground beetle species traits (Coleoptera, Carabidae)
Homburg, K., Homburg, N., Schäfer, F., Schuldt, A. & Aßmann, T., 05.2014, In: Insect Conservation and Diversity. 7, 3, p. 195-205 11 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review
- Published
Carabid Beetles as Bioindicators: Biogeographical, Ecological and Environmental Studies
Kotze, J. (Editor), Aßmann, T. (Editor), Nordijk, J. (Editor), Turin, H. (Editor) & Vermeulen, R. (Editor), 20.05.2011, Sofia: Pensoft Publishers Ltd. 573 p. (Zoo Keys; no. 100)Research output: Books and anthologies › Conference proceedings › Research
- Published
Can prescribed burning compensate for atmospheric nutrient loads in wet heathlands?
Haerdtle, W., Niemeyer, T., Assmann, T., Meyer, H. & von Oheimb, G., 20.06.2007, In: Phytocoenologia. 37, 2, p. 161-174 14 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review
- Published
Canopy structure influences arthropod communities within and beyond tree identity effects: Insights from combining LiDAR data, insecticidal fogging and machine learning regression modelling
Wildermuth, B., Penanhoat, A., Sennhenn-Reulen, H., Matevski, D., Drescher, J., Aubry-Kientz, M., Seidel, D. & Schuldt, A., 01.03.2024, In: Ecological Indicators. 160, 12 p., 111901.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review
- Published
Can management compensate for atmospheric nutrient deposition in heathland ecosystems?
Härdtle, W., Niemeyer, M., Niemeyer, T., Aßmann, T. & Fottner, S., 01.08.2006, In: The Journal of Applied Ecology. 43, 4, p. 759-769 11 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review
- Published
Broad-scale geographic patterns in body size and hind wing development of western Palaearctic carabid beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae)
Homburg, K., Schuldt, A., Drees, C. & Aßmann, T., 02.2013, In: Ecography. 36, 2, p. 166-177 12 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review