Professorship for Public Law, in particular Energy and Environmental Law
Organisational unit: Professoship
Organisation profile
The normative goal of sustainability requires the long-term preservation of nature, including its functions and services for humans. In the concretization of these norms, the legal framework for sustainability-relevant action plays a major role.
The integrative connection of environmental law with energy law is of great importance for the law professorship and forms the main focus in research and teaching. Natural interfaces of both fields are the law of renewable energies, energy efficiency and sufficiency, and resource conservation.
The Chair of Public Law, in particular Energy and Environmental Law, fits seamlessly into the context of sustainability science. Its working method is already interdisciplinary in its basic approach, and also shows a considerable degree of transfer to the fields of environmental planning, economics and politics. Consequently, the professorship is located in the Institute for Sustainability Management.
Main research areas
In the research projects, interdisciplinary work is carried out in cooperation between lawyers and, among others, environmental scientists, environmental planners and biologists, but also increasingly with experts from the economic sector. The research perspective is increasingly directed towards interdisciplinary sustainability research and is oriented towards the guiding principle of sustainability.
From the traditional fields of environmental law, such as soil protection law, environmental information law, and regional planning law, waste law has increasingly emerged as a research focus in the direction of a circular economy. In addition, legal research in the field of renewable energies plays an important role at the chair.
- Published
Sustainable Development and Law
Peeters, M. & Schomerus, C.-T., 2016, Sustainability Science: An Introduction. Heinrichs, H., Martens, P., Michelsen, G. & Wiek, A. (eds.). Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, p. 109-118 10 p.Research output: Contributions to collected editions/works › Contributions to collected editions/anthologies › Research
- Published
Strategische Umweltprüfung für die Offshore-Windenergienutzung: Grundlagen ökologischer Planung beim Ausbau der Offshore-Windenergie in der deutschen Ausschließlichen Wirtschaftszone
Schomerus, T., Burandt, S., Runge, K. & Nehls, G., 2006, Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovač. 551 p. (Schriftenreihe Umweltrecht in Forschung und Praxis)Research output: Books and anthologies › Monographs › Research
- Published
Strategische Umweltprüfung für die Offshore-Windenergienutzung
Schomerus, T., Runge, K. & Nehls, G., 2007, 2. Wissenschaftstage des Bundesumweltministeriums zur Offshore-Windenergienutzung am 20. und 21. Februar 2007 in Berlin: Tagungband. Wende, W., Köppel, J., Morkel, L. & Toland, A. (eds.). Berlin: Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin, p. 78-87 10 p.Research output: Contributions to collected editions/works › Article in conference proceedings › Research
- Published
Strategische Umweltprüfung bei planerischen Ausweisungen für Offshore-Windparks in der deutschen ausschließlichen Wirtschaftszone (AWZ)
Schomerus, T. & Busse, J., 2005, In: NordÖR. 8, p. 45 1 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research
- Published
Strategic environmental assessment for the utilization of offshore wind energy
Schomerus, T., Runge, K., Nehls, G. & Toland, A., 2007, 2nd Scientific Conference on the Use of Offshore Wind Energy by the Federal Ministry for the Environment 20. and 21. February 2007 in Berlin: Conference Proceedings. Morkel, L., Toland, A., Wende, W. & Köppel, J. (eds.). Technische Universität Berlin, p. 73-81 9 p.Research output: Contributions to collected editions/works › Article in conference proceedings › Research › peer-review
- Published
Störerverantwortlichkeit bei Grundstücksgrenzen überschreitenden Grundwasserschäden: Probleme bei "abdriftenden" und "abreißenden" Schadstofffahnen
Sanden, J., 2012, In: Zeitschrift für Wasserrecht. 51, p. 124-142 19 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research
- Published
Stolpersteine im ElektroG für Hersteller und Vertreiber: Zum Beginn der Abfalleigenschaft bei der Abholung gebrauchter Weißer Ware
Alcantara, H. & Schomerus, T., 09.02.2021, In: Müll und Abfall - Fachzeitschrift für Abfall- und Ressourcenwirtschaft. 2/2021, p. 83-88 6 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Transfer
- Published
Steuergeheimnis und Informationsfreiheitsrecht
Schomerus, T., 2010, Internationales Steuer- und Gesellschaftsrecht aktuell. von Rönn, M. & Schultz-Aßberg, I. (eds.). Weil im Schönbuch: HDS Verlag, p. 239-246Research output: Contributions to collected editions/works › Contributions to collected editions/anthologies › Research
- Published
Stand und Perspektiven des Wirtschaftsrechtsstudiums an Fachhochschulen
Schomerus, T., 1999, In: Juristische Schulung. 39, 9, p. 930-931 2 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Transfer
- Published
Stabilizing the grid with regional virtual power plants
Meister, M., 26.12.2014, Renewable Energy Law In The EU: Legal Perspectives on Bottom Up Approaches. Peeters, M. & Schomerus, T. (eds.). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, p. 99-120 22 p. (New horizons in environmental and energy law).Research output: Contributions to collected editions/works › Chapter › peer-review