Professorship for Sustainability Management
Organisational unit: Section
- CSM-Research Field: Advanced Education & Capacity Building
- CSM-Research Field: Concepts & Instruments of Sustainability Management
- CSM-Research Field: Foundations of Sustainability Management
- CSM-Research Field: Management of Natural Resources
- Stakeholder Relationships, Communication & Reporting
- Sustainability Accounting, Performance Management & Finance
- CSM-Research Field: Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Transformation & Innovation
Organisation profile
The Chair for Sustainability Management at the CSM is an internationally oriented professorship leading in research, continuing education and knowledge transfer in the field of corporate sustainability management. Under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Stefan Schaltegger, approximately 30 members of the Centre from a number of different disciplines (including environmental sciences, business administration, political science and cultural sciences) collaborate in interdisciplinary research projects.
The mission of the Chair in Sustainability Management includes both theoretical, transdisciplinary and applied research into corporate sustainability management as well as the initiation and scientific consultation of model projects.
The Chair for Sustainability Management at the CSM is an internationally oriented professorship leading in research, continuing education and knowledge transfer in the field of corporate sustainability management. Under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Stefan Schaltegger, about 30 researchers of the Centre from a number of different disciplines (including environmental sciences, business administration, political science and cultural sciences) collaborate in interdisciplinary research projects.
The mission of the Chair in Sustainability Management includes theoretical, transdisciplinary and applied research into corporate sustainability management as well as the initiation and scientific consultation of model projects.
Research Areas: Foundations of sustainability management and corporate social responsibility; Measurement, information and communication of sustainability; Management of stakeholder relationships, Conservation management and integrative sustainability management; Continuous education
Continuing education products
Das Fernstudium MBA Sustainability Management ist der weltweit erste universitäre MBA für Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement und Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Seit seiner Gründung im Jahr 2003 ist er einer der führenden „Green MBA“ durch eine einzigartige und optimale Kombination aus Managementwissen, Persönlichkeitsentwicklung, Soft Skills und verantwortungsvoller Unternehmensführung
Die hohe Qualität des Weiterbildungsstudiums wird durch die Kompetenz der Dozierenden sowie vielfältige Praxispartnerschaften garantiert. Der MBA Sustainability Management ist akkreditiert und wurde zudem als UNESCO-Dekade-Projekt ausgezeichnet.
Das CSM ist darüber hinaus in weiteren internationalen Weiterbildungsprogrammen zu CSR und Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement aktiv. Seit Jahren arbeitet es erfolgreich in der Weiter- und Fernbildung mit der FernUniversität Hagen und dem Fraunhofer Institut für Umwelt, Sicherheits- und Energietechnik (UMSICHT) zusammen. Das CSM betreut u.a. den gesamten Bereich des Umweltmanagements für deren interdisziplinären Studiengang Umweltwissenschaften (infernum, Master of Environmental Sciences, MSc).
see projects and MBA Sustainability Management
- 2018
- Published
Slowing resource loops in the clothing industry through Circular Business Model Experimentation
Bocken, N. M. P., Miller, K., Weissbrod, I., Holgado, M. & Evans, S., 11.2018, Sustainable Fashion in a Circular Economy. Niinimäki, K. (ed.). 1 ed. Espoo: Aalto ARTS Books, p. 152-169 18 p.Research output: Contributions to collected editions/works › Contributions to collected editions/anthologies › Research › peer-review
- Published
Assessing the Sustainability Performance of Sustainability Management Software
Kern, E., Silva, S. L. & Guldner, A., 19.09.2018, In: Technologies. 6, 3, 15 p., 88.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review
- Published
Setting the research agenda for measuring sustainability performance: systematic application of the world café method
Silva, S. L. & Günther, E., 18.09.2018, In: Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal. 9, 4, p. 455-469 15 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Scientific review articles › Research
- Published
The business case for sustainability in retrospect: A Scandinavian institutionalism perspective on the role of expert conferences in shaping the emerging ‘CSR and corporate sustainability space’
Breitbarth, T., Schaltegger, S. & Mahon, J., 29.08.2018, In: Journal of Public Affairs. 18, 3, 17 p., e1855.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review
- Published
Journal of Public Affairs, Special issue: “The marketing and public affairs of sustainability”
Breitbarth, T. (ed.), Schaltegger, S. (ed.) & Mahon, J. (ed.), 08.2018, John Wiley & Sons Inc. (Journal of Public Affairs: an International Journal; vol. 18, no. 3)Research output: Books and anthologies › Special Journal issue › Research
- Published
The marketing and public affairs of sustainability
Breitbarth, T., Schaltegger, S. & Mahon, J., 08.2018, In: Journal of Public Affairs. 18, 3, 3 p., e1854.Research output: Journal contributions › Other (editorial matter etc.) › Research
- Published
Sustainability Balanced Scorecards and their Architectures: Irrelevant or Misunderstood?
Hansen, E. G. & Schaltegger, S., 01.07.2018, In: Journal of Business Ethics. 150, 4, p. 937-952 16 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review
- Published
Networking for the environment: The impact of environmental orientation on start-ups’ networking frequency and network size
Dickel, P., Hörisch, J. & Ritter, T., 01.04.2018, In: Journal of Cleaner Production. 179, April 2018, p. 308-316 9 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review
- Published
Environmental management accounting and its effects on carbon management and disclosure quality
Qian, W., Hörisch, J. & Schaltegger, S., 10.02.2018, In: Journal of Cleaner Production. 174, 1, p. 1608-1619 12 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review
- Published
Linking Environmental Management Accounting: A Reflection on (Missing) Links to Sustainability and Planetary Boundaries
Schaltegger, S., 02.01.2018, In: Social and Environmental Accountability Journal. 38, 1, p. 19-29 11 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review