Professorship for Ecosystem Functioning and Services
Organisational unit: Professoship
Organisation profile
oing for multifunctionality as a path to sustainability:
The two main foci of the ecosystem functioning and services lab involve acquiring a better understanding and fostering of extensively managed biodiverse systems and making intensively managed systems more sustainable.
Biodiversity is a key component of a functioning, sustainable planet, yet it is being lost at a rate never seen before in the history of the earth in the current 6th mass extinction event. One of the main causes of biodiversity loss worldwide is land use change/ habitat loss combined with excess nutrient input into our ecosystems, as well as climate change and invasive species. Hence, key questions of our time on a crowded planet are:
- How can we counter current biodiversity loss, whilst also allowing for food security and adequate livelihoods and social interactions?
- What role can the restoration of biodiversity play in counteracting biodiversity loss, whilst helping to mitigate climate change and providing new forms of social and economic livelihood?
Possible solutions include a combined land sharing and land sparing approach to land use, focussing on both extensive land use as well as a sustainable intensification of cropping systems. Both biodiversity and assembly research in ecology are of key relevance to addressing such questions, since in land sharing (e.g. nature-friendly farming) we need to maintain or restore high diversity whilst ensuring adequate agricultural yield, and knowledge from biotic interaction research will be essential for improving the efficiency of intensive agriculture, as well as providing possible leverage in enabling both reasonable yields as well as biodiversity.
Main research areas
The two main foci of the ecosystem functioning and services lab involve acquiring a better understanding and fostering of extensively managed biodiverse systems and making intensively managed systems more sustainable:
- Extensive land use, land sharing and ecological restoration: testing the potential role of priority effects during assembly.
- Sustainable intensification: Improving the efficiency of nutrient-use in cropping systems by using functional diversity approaches.
Research topics
- Testing priority effects (order of arrival of plant species and functional groups) in assembly as a potential tool for the restoration of biodiverse ecological communities.
- Investigating the importance of weather conditions on the creation and persistence of priority effects during assembly of grassland plant communities. POEM project
- Elucidating the mechanisms leading to priority effects during assembly. POEM project
- The role of nitrogen facilitation in ecosystem functioning and assembly – with particular focus on legume-non legume interactions
- Using positive interactions (both between plants of different functional groups and in cropping systems) for the sustainable transformation of cropping and bioenergy systems. INPLAMINT projekt
- Improving the integration and transfer of knowledge between ecology and policy at the science-policy interface.
- Linking ecological know-how and knowledge based on the above topics with social and governance perspectives to help transform systems towards sustainability (including land sharing and land sparing).
BiodiWert II: Konzepte zur Wiederherstellung von artenreichem Grünland in Deutschland (Grassworks-2) - Koordination, Sozialökologie und Modellregion Nord
Temperton, V. (Project manager, academic), Kuhn, L. (Project staff), Cebrián-Piqueras, M. A. (Project staff), Twerski, A. (Project staff) & Patru-Duse, I. A. (Project staff)
Federal Ministry of Education and Research
01.11.21 → 30.04.25
Project: Research
Faunistische und botanische Untersuchungen
Temperton, V. (Project manager, academic)
02.09.19 → 30.04.22
Project: Other
FOR5501: A social-ecological systems approach to inform ecosystem restoration in rural Africa. Subproject SP1: Biodiversity impacts-local-scale restoration effects in western Rwanda
Temperton, V. (Project manager, academic)
01.05.23 → 30.04.27
Project: Research
FOR5501: A social-ecological systems approach to inform ecosystem restoration in rural Africa. Subprojekt SP7: A living lab for social-ecological restoration in western Rwanda
Temperton, V. (Project manager, academic)
01.05.23 → 30.04.27
Project: Research
GrassSyn - Biodiversity of Brazilian grasslands and savannas: patterns and drivers, ecosystem services, and strategies for conservation and restoration
Overbeck, G. E. (Project manager, academic), Temperton, V. (Partner), Anand, M. (Partner), Santiago, B. (Partner), Carlucci, M. (Partner), Dechoum, M. (Partner), Durigan, G. (Partner), Fidelis, A. (Partner), Guido, A. (Partner), Menezes, L. (Partner), Müller, S. (Partner), Rosenfield, M. F. (Partner), Sampaio, A. (Partner), Sosinski, E. (Partner), Staude, I. (Partner), Tornquist, C. G. (Partner), Turchetto, C. (Partner), Veldman, J. W. (Partner), Vélez-Martin, E. (Partner) & Wiesmeier, M. (Partner)
01.01.20 → 31.12.22
Project: Research
GrünlandVielfalt: Ökologische und gesellschaftliche Grünland-Transformation in der Ise-Niederung"
Petersen-Schlapkohl, U. (Project manager, academic), Temperton, V. (Partner) & Ernst, L. M. (Project staff)
01.10.22 → …
Project: Research
INPLAMINT: Increasing agricultural nutrient-use efficiency by optimizing plant-soil-microorganism interactions
Temperton, V. (Project manager, academic), von Wehrden, H. (Project manager, academic), Brüggemann, N. (Project manager, academic), Rillig, M. C. (Project manager, academic), Schloter, M. (Project manager, academic), Müller-Lindenlauf, M. (Project manager, academic), Bonkowski, M. (Project manager, academic), Koller, R. (Project manager, academic), Kage, H. (Project manager, academic) & Armbruster, M. (Project manager, academic)
Federal Ministry of Education and Research
01.04.15 → 31.03.18
Project: Research
INPLAMINT II: Increasing agricultural nutrient-use efficiency by optimizing plant–soil-microorganism interactions
Temperton, V. (Project manager, academic)
Federal Ministry of Education and Research
01.04.18 → 31.05.21
Project: Research
INPLAMINT 3: INPLAMINT - Erhöhung der landwirtschaftlichen Nährstoffnutzungseffizienz durch Optimierung von Pflanze-Boden-Mikroorganismen-Wechselwirkungen (Teilprojekt F)
Temperton, V. (Project manager, academic)
Federal Ministry of Education and Research
01.06.21 → 31.12.24
Project: Research
Moving to the real world: Testing biodiversity and priority effects for restoring multifunctional grasslands
Temperton, V. (Project manager, academic) & Ernst, L. M. (Project staff)
01.10.20 → 30.09.23
Project: Research