Teaching and Exploring Sustainability in Virtual Space

Activity: Talk or presentationGuest lecturesEducation

Joannis Kaliampos - Lecturer

'Going Green' is an intercultural blended-learning project and the product of a partnership between the U.S. Embassy in Berlin, the University of Lüneburg, and LIFE e.V. In this project, German and U.S. students explore approaches to sustainable development collaboratively through an e-learning platform (Moodle). Participants navigate through web 2.0 applications and social media, and exchange their findings. They will publish their local initiatives online and contribute them to a concluding student conference. In this workshop, exemplary task-cycles will be presented and major pitfalls and best practice examples from participant courses will be discussed. Hands-on task suggestions and useful web-applications relevant for other classroom topics and EFL settings will be explored.
The project is open to all interested teachers and learners; materials can be used online and offline (even if time-frames do not allow for an extensive project participation). Going Green is in line with the various German state-curricula for English in the Sek. II.


US Embassy Teacher Training Seminar - 2015: Going Green 2015 – Sustainable Education and Political Action

03.10.15 → …

Berlin, Germany

Event: Other

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