spheres - Journal for Digital Cultures (Journal)

Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workEditor of journalsResearch

Armin Beverungen - Editor

    spheres: Journal for Digital Cultures

    spheres: Journal for Digital Cultures is an open peer re­view­ed web jour­nal run by mem­bers of the Cent­re for Di­gi­tal Cul­tu­res (CDC) at Leu­pha­na Uni­ver­si­ty of Lüne­burg and sup­por­ted by an in­ter­na­tio­nal ad­vi­so­ry board. It is con­cer­ned with con­tem­pora­ry, his­to­ri­cal and emer­ging dis­cus­sions about ‘di­gi­tal cul­tu­res’ and ex­plo­ring the theo­re­ti­cal, po­li­ti­cal and so­ci­al sta­kes wi­t­hin the­se de­ba­tes by re­as­sem­bling key con­cepts like pu­blic sphe­res, me­dia sphe­res and at­mo­s­phe­res.

    The pur­po­se of the web jour­nal is to ser­ve as a re­se­arch re­sour­ce, fre­e­ly avail­able as an open ac­cess pu­bli­ca­ti­on, which aims to make sen­se of the theo­ry and po­li­tics of di­gi­tal cul­tu­res. The jour­nal of­fers a plat­form for aca­de­mic as well as non-aca­de­mic cont­ri­bu­ti­ons, com­bi­ning text with au­dio­vi­su­al con­tent and en­ab­ling new nar­ra­ti­ve forms in the field of di­gi­tal cul­tu­res. spheres, the­re­fo­re, seeks to pro­mo­te a dia­lo­gue bet­ween scho­lars, po­li­cy ma­kers, me­dia ar­tists, ac­tivists and ha­ckers, fos­te­ring the pro­duc­tion of new know­ledge, as well as al­li­an­ces bet­ween the­se ac­tors.
    01.06.2014 → …