Music, Media and Arts Education 2020

Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

Michael Ahlers - Participant

Carsten Wernicke - Participant

The use of digital technologies has also prompted major changes in artistic music practices. Moreover, impulses and resources generated by current artistic and entrepreneurial digital music practice have led us to expect innovation in the arts and cultural education. Notably in the digital sector, arts and cultural education contains emancipatory potential that is well worth highlighting.

In order to discuss these issues with representatives from across the worlds of research, art, music education, and business from several European countries, the Genshagen Foundation invites participants to join in the online conference “Music, Media, Arts Education” scheduled for November 17th and 18th, 2020. This virtual gathering will contribute to the internationalisation of research in arts education – with particular focus on Poland, France, and Germany – and open up a discursive space for interdisciplinary and interprofessional exchanges in the field of music. Proceedings will be held in English.

Public sponsors: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media (BKM)
Music, Media and Arts Education 2020


Music, Media and Arts Education 2020


Ludwigsfelde, Brandenburg, Germany

Event: Conference

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